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Everything posted by ethanorg13

  1. [Whitelist Application] Minecraft Name: ethanorg13 Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: I've been searching for a good tekkit server for awhile now and think i've found an awesome one (your's) i' an slightly above average player who can do almost all of redpower build and industrialcraft and have plans to build a factory that creates bread, watermelon and other plants like that which i'll sell to the community . i'm also a good mentor and have a tendancy to invite people to live around me and help them do better in tekkit. Do you have any bans on record? Nope How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? Usually i'll be able to play for at least 2 hours, but on weekend there's times were i've spent a whole day on a server without stopping.
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