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The Doctor BW

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Everything posted by The Doctor BW

  1. Channel: youtube.com/FireLeopardGoesBOOM
  2. I am 17 y/o and I am deleting all my vids on my channel so it doesn't matter anyway. I hate my old ones and I don't want them to give anyone a bad opinion of me.
  3. I wish I could tell you the storyline behind this, but I'm not allowed to SadFace
  4. Hey all. I'm writing this thread because I'm doing a rather large lets-play, (At least 5 youtubers involved), and I am sort of an evil necromancer who believes that magic is the purest art. I have a (Completely legitimate) castle and towards the end of the series, I run away from my company to form an army and conquer the world. The application for is as follows: Age: (12 y/os are cool, but no kids under 12) Youtube channel: (If you have one, I need to see if you have a history and what you're like) Can you record in 1080p?: (Not so important, but helpful) What I should call you: (Do you have a nickname? a channel name?) Why you want to join: (If you want to expand an audience, just say so. If you wanna have fun, that's even better) If I decide you're worthy, then I will msg you. ~Fire
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