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About zsakulkill

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Yea I been having the FPS issues too recently, but I think I have a little background to mine... I have a monster of a build in my game but even with all the wiring off and me just spawning, 30 min in its still only going at 11 FPS with everything set to minimum. (I foresee people questioning my computer 8GB ram i7 620M 2.66 GHz ATI 5650 upto 2746 MB HDD 5400 RPM (soon to be 750 HHD (hybrid hard drive) 7500RPM )) If you ever found a solution to this I'd love to hear it. Also as previously mentioned it is a monster of a map with over 400 wireless redstone connections that are DISABLED on spawn until manually turned on, so I would expect lag once i did turn them on.
  2. keep in mind, the moment you put in a repeater its a one way signal, the console could receive a signal, but not send. Also, another think to keep in mind is that every computer you add to the network requires more scripting on the main server computer. I don't really see computers being used as a viable form of communication in the near future (of minecraft lol).
  3. Well its pretty straight forward, the maximum amount of computers on the network would be the maximum amount of colors of cable u have, minus one for the computer running your server which has to be connected to all the colors. Also, i don't know if there's a limit to the distance the colored wires can go.
  4. There is actually one alternative I just rememered.... Its a bit extreme though, you can connect all your computers using different color power cables to a router computer (with all the colors going into it) then have that computer relay the signal back down the network the the computer you specify the message is for, kinda a buzz kill and sooooo much cable... but it does work...
  5. I'm sorry to say this wouldn't be practical =/ Wireless modems have limited capabilities. The signal only carries for a distance of approx 60 blocks in good weather, and approx 17 in rain. However the using the same script I've used you'd just need to input a print("X") command after the signal is received, I've seen people do it before.
  6. Thats weird, whenever I go to peaceful my mobs like sheep, cows, chickens n that stuff still sticks around =/ just creepers and skeletons and that stuff is gone.
  7. Isn't it just escape, then change mode to peaceful?
  8. I've already successfully added 3 other mods, you can put them into the modpack.jar or the mincraft.jar, but if they need modloader then it gets annoying.
  9. I've been tinkering with a mod I used to love, but unfortunately it seems to crash tekkit when manually added. THE LASER MOD by: Pigbear I was wondering if anyone could possibly have any idea how to get it into the game?
  10. yup term.clear() found it a while back but ty nevertheless. Another useful one after it is term.setCursorPos(1,1) to reset the mouse to the top
  11. thanks man, you're help is much appreciated, in the end this is what my script ended up looking like. _______________________________________________________________ Sending computer. rednet.open("left") while true do input = read() if input == "zsakul" then rednet.broadcast("zsakul") print("Z sent") sleep(5) else if inpiut == "shutdown" then rednet.broadcast("shutdown") print("S sent") sleep(5) os.reboot() else print("Null") sleep(5) os.reboot() end end end __________________________________________________ Receiving computer. rednet.open("left") while true do senderID, input = rednet.receive() if input == "zsakul" then redstone.setOutput("back", true ) else if input == "shutdown" then redstone.setOutput("back", false ) os.reboot() end end end _________________________________________ I used to know this but I forgot, whats the command to clear the monitor?
  12. That is beautiful, tyvm, if you have some time to kill then something else that would be useful would be instead of a timed delay, sending another command to disable the redstone. Also a nice touch would be a script to send the command from the first computer without having to type lua rednet.broadcast("x") exit() EDIT: I edited the script to have the on off feature, but i still havn't designed a system of just typing in the word on the first computer without entering lua
  13. thanks for trying, but unfortunately that script doesn't even put the computer into the state to receive a message (rednet.receive(x)) also, the script seems to be complete as soon as it starts. Thanks for the try though =)
  14. You wouldn't have happened to add the mod single player commands would you?
  15. So, I got bored n decided to try n create a wireless signal through computercraft that would activate a redstone signal at the second location. I'd appreciate any input that someone knowledgeable on this topic could contribute. My current script has no error, but doesn't work as hoped (just btw, modem is on the left of the computer) ___________________________________________ pass = "zsakul" rednet.open("left") rednet.receive(999999999999999) input = read() if input == pass then exit() -------- (where i suspect problem occurs) redstone.output("back", true) else os.reboot() end ____________________________________________ The script on the sending computer works fine, so i don't need to post it.
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