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About thedigi321

  • Birthday 10/05/1994

thedigi321's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. how do i see if that is what happened? what am i looking for
  2. i am having an issue with the screen being white for well over 5 minutes forge loads all the time now but i cant get past the white screen. The mods I have installed are: RPG Inventory 1.5.2 V1.0 Castle Defenders 1.2 ComputerCraft 1.52 Hats1.3.3 and I have been past the white screen once or twice by pure luck
  3. Hades has it, go get it
  4. my jar was set up wrong for forge
  5. ok this is solved but now i get a white screen after mojang screen
  6. hey bud, i have the exact same problem ive got my mod down to a bear min, and it still get a whitescreen
  7. its in the public folder
  8. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83496656/modpack.zip sorry
  9. i have made a custom modpack and have tried DOZENS of tutorials but my modpack acts like forge is not install when i know it is, can someone please help me? the link to my modpack on dropbox: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/modpack.zip?w=AAADCfSIejwicPJpGq7v9FUS96i4DuzVUVQ8eTxKk9K_4A&dl=1 i hope someone will find a solution cause im at a complete lost
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