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Posts posted by Gemini8910

  1. I'm pretty familiar with login plugins, but I've never had one not require a / before. Are you supposed to register first or something? I was really confused 'cause there were no errors or helps that said how to use it, or even that it was there at all. I just couldn't place blocks! I could walk around fine, and destroy blocks, just not place. Which is weird for a login plugin, aren't they supposed to stop all that? o_O

  2. This server sucks. I can't place any blocks. Some guy named platium something or other tried to get my Minecraft information. He said if you typed in "login <username> <password>" it would let me place blocks. I tried it and got "Unknown Command". So he said to put it without a slash. I was like "No, that says it aloud". And he kept arguing that it was some kind of plugin and it wouldn't show it if it was the correct login info. I tried it with a fake password and it said it aloud. He said it said it aloud because it was the wrong password (obvious lie). So after arguing with him for serveral minutes I finally tried my real password. It said it aloud of course. I quickly changed my password though so my account's safe. Not only should this arrogant jerk be banned, but THE SERVER NEEDS TO ACTUALLY WORK! Can't play if I can't place a crafting table. -.-

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