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About Mercurial

  • Birthday 06/01/1975

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  1. I'll give that a try, dinger. Thank you for posting.
  2. I've got two bug reports out as well. One with my original issue and one after the fix was issues. Both have logs and no feed back.
  3. I did not say that your directly called me or anyone else stupid. I said that your post implied that we are stupid because we can't follow a simple 3 step procedure you clearly laid out for us. As for me "deciding" that you are offensive is non-sensical. You make a single post in a thread that is meant to try and help folks make a piece of software work and in that post you ridicule those that the software doesn't work for, then continue to to that in every post in that thread. Best case, that is rude. In any case it is not constructive or helpful. As for me instructing people to go to other launchers.... I suggested one person see if another launcher would work on his system, just to see if the issue was with your launcher or all MC launchers. And, if the launcher can't be run on a system what benefits can one get out of it? from what I can tell, we (the users) choose launchers for the mod combinations and what servers we want to play on. The launcher itself is just a convenience. I could (and have) download every mod listed in your pack, installed them, altered the cfg files. It is just a hassle matching cnf files with servers. If you truly wanted to be helpful, Mr. Shot, you wouldn't be telling us, "you all are just doing it wrong.", etc. You would be getting as much info from us (those the fix is not working for) and see why your software is not working for some and giving information to those same people. If you do not have the time or want to do so, then don't. Leave us to our own devices and refrain from petty ridicule.
  4. Mr. Shot, I am not angry. I do, however, take offense to some one implying that I'm stupid. I never asked you to do anything. The only thing I've directed toward you was my last post. I've been working with the community held within this forum in trying to figure out why my laptop and others are having an issue with your launcher. I do realize that this is not a commercial endeavor and you are not responsible for ... well, anything. However, when folks are having a difficult time and you come in and call us dumb, there is a chance that we may get offended. That, along with your apparent frustration and/or lack of want to help with those that your fix did not work will force me to look elsewhere. Also, other launchers do work for me. As far as being constructive, I have made MultiMC work with your Mod Pack and cnf files and am able to log in to servers (fairly stable anyway, but not perfect) after trying a few different Java versions and experimenting with lwjgl versions as well. I found a work around that works. To me, that is constructive. I've done what I know about and also figured out a way to bypass your launcher with the mod pack intact (I previously didn't know about MultiMC). Obviously, Mr. Shot, you have done all can and/or want to resolve this issue. And that is fine. I, and I don't think anyone else on this forum, is blaming you for anything (other than being offensive). My hope is to continue with those that are still having an issue and find some resolution for those who can't go to another launcher. It is truth, however, that this is not the only mod pack launcher out there. That is not a threat, as I have nothing to threaten with. I just need something works for me and my friends.
  5. Mr. Shot, the "Fix" you gave us was a simple 3 step procedure. Backup your saves, delete the Technic folder, then re-download the launcher and run it. To insult our intelligence and say that we are doing those steps wrong is asinine. Then to go on about some mysterious Java setting that you do not give one detail about is just as ludicrous. You never mention Java setting that must be correct for your launcher to run. And on top of that you insult us again and state that you yourself are running on a Mac and have resolved the issue for yourself. I can guarantee that you did more that just delete a folder and re-run the launcher. What version of Java are you running? What version of lwjgl are you running? What are these mysterious Java setting that you are passively talking about that must be correct to run your launcher? You, Sir, have made nothing clear. You give a 3 step procedure that clearly doesn't work for all Mac users, then blame us for not following it.... Your Name says it all.... I'd say it's time to move on.
  6. I've gotten Feed the Beast's mod pack and launcher to run on my Mac. Try their's??
  7. Goizzo, yes that is what is happening for most Mac users and some Win users.
  8. OK, so I found a very tedious work around. It uses MultiMC, if you've ever used that. I'll paste a link to my discription in the main Attention Mac thread: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/mac-users-important-fix-hello-crash-problem.35023/ Basically, you make an "instance" of MC, then paste the mods and cnf files from the broken Tekkit or Volts folders. Take a look and see if you can get it working that way. It does work for me, but it took about a day to get running right.
  9. Found a work-around! I downloaded MultiMC and made a fresh instance for 1.4.2. Then downloaded the Technic Launcher and tried to launch Tekkit Classic (it crashed on load). Went back to MultiMC and opened it's central mod folder. I copied all the mods from the Tekkit folder to the MultiMC mod folder including the ModCores, TexturePacks. Loaded the mods into my MultiMC instance and ran the instance (make sure you get those ModCores in there too). I then tried to connect to a Tekkit server, but failed (cfg files way off). I went back to the Tekkit folder and copied the Config folder and opened my MultiMC instance folder and copied all the cfg files and folders into the instance and loaded the instance again and connected to the server! Played around for a bit and it works like a charm!
  10. What I've been trying to do now is taking the mod list and trying to install them all manually. I've got about 2/3 of them working. I started with a clean MC install and using Forge MCL and going down the list one by one and testing it. Most work, some make MC crash. What I wonder is can a client not running all the mods log in to a Tekkit server? I've also tried other launchers (FTB) and have gotten the same issue; after login crash after initial splash page. So this isn't just a Technic Launcher issue, it's something else to do with OS X and Java. But clean and lightly modded clients do run. I'm confused!
  11. Sorry it is "jinput.jar". You got about the same results as me. I'm not certain you can go back to Java 6 if you are running OS X 10.8.2. However you may be able to go back to an earlier version of Java 7. Google "how to remove Java on Mac OS X" and you should fine the process. Then go to Java.com to get a version of Java 7. I think you can choose older version from their download page if you choose. I am not the person to help extract using dev tools. Something I'm working on is just taking a clean install of Minecraft and using Forge Loader to recreate the Tekkit (you can do this for Volts as well) mod pack. I've gotten most of the mods working, but not all of them. What I don't know is that, if you can't get them all working, can you join multiplayer servers. It's taking me a bit to learn how to use Forge and install all the mods manually. I got about 2/3 working....
  12. Quite a few Mac (and a few Win) users are having this issue as well. I do not have an answer for you, however I think it does have something to do with the lwjgl files used (you can find these files in the bin folder along with the mincraft.jar file). I went to lwgjl.org and found that the current version of lwgjl is 2.8.4. I THINK that the launcher is using 2.4.x. Again I'm not sure and haven't had any success, but on another forum I did notice that some have had luck with downloading newer lwgjl files (lwjgl_util.jar, lwjgl.jar and input.jar) and replacing the old ones in the bin folder of the mod pack you are trying to use. If you do this, please back up your saves etc. Post back if you have any success!
  13. Hi TheJordan, I think many Mac users are having this problem. From what I can tell it is an issue with the lwjgl.jar and related files. I've gone to their website and saw that there was some discussion on the forum there, but it was a bit technical for me. I do not have an answer for you, as I am having the same issue and downloading the newest lwjgl files did not some the issue. I do not see any info other than the messege above to Mac users saying the issue has been resolved. Let's try to keep each other updated. I'll post here if I find any work arounds or solutions.
  14. Launcher Version: Operating System: OS X 10.8.2 Java Version: 1.7.0_10-b18 Antivirus Program: None Description of Problem: Same as with launcher and Enter in MineCraft login, select Tekkit Classic and hit the Login Button. Downloads happen, MineCraft starts to load, but only get a white screen for a second or two, then the window goes away. Has any Mac user had any luck with the newest launcher? Are there any other logs that we should be looking for (Forge Logs or MineCraft logs) that will give us any more info? Error Messages: None. No "Hello" window either. Error Log: [17:24:23] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------ [17:24:23] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting.... [17:24:23] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: '' [17:24:23] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM [17:24:23] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_10-b18' [17:24:23] [sEVERE] OS Version: '10.8.2' [17:24:23] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'true' [17:24:24] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'. [17:24:24] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5' [17:24:25] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/CHECKSUM.md5' [17:24:25] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/modpacks.yml'. [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom2/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/hackslashmine/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom1/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom3/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/yogbox/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom3/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom2/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/voltz/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/custom3/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkitlite/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/voltz/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/hackslashmine/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom2/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom1/resources/favicon.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/icon.icns' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkit/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/custom3/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/voltz/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/technicssp/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/tekkitlite/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/vanilla/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/launcher/yogbox/resources/logo.png' [17:24:27] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from ''. [17:24:28] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/modlibrary.yml'. [17:24:47] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'. [17:24:47] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'. [17:24:52] [sEVERE] /tekkit/bin/natives does not exist! Updating.. [17:24:52] [sEVERE] Modpack version requested '3.1.2' does not match installed version 'null'! Updating.. [17:24:52] [sEVERE] 'basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip' has MD5 mismatch! Updating.. [17:24:52] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining [17:24:57] [sEVERE] Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' matches MD5 of version '1.4.7'. [17:24:57] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:24:59] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/mc.patch' [17:24:59] [sEVERE] Comapring new jar md5 '8e8778078a175a33603a585257f28563' to stored md5 '8e8778078a175a33603a585257f28563'. [17:24:59] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/jinput.jar' [17:25:00] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/tekkit/bin/jinput.jar' [17:25:00] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl.jar' [17:25:03] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/tekkit/bin/lwjgl.jar' [17:25:03] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl_util.jar' [17:25:04] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/tekkit/bin/lwjgl_util.jar' [17:25:04] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/macosx_natives.jar.lzma' [17:25:06] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/natives.jar.lzma' [17:25:06] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/natives.zip to /tekkit/bin/natives [17:25:06] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/natives.zip to /tekkit/bin/natives [17:25:07] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip' [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip' [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/basemods-tekkit-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/balkonsweaponmod-v8.6.zip' [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/balkonsweaponmod-v8.6.zip to /tekkit [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/balkonsweaponmod-v8.6.zip to /tekkit [17:25:08] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/buildcraft/buildcraft-v2.2.14.zip' [17:25:09] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/buildcraft-v2.2.14.zip' [17:25:09] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/buildcraft-v2.2.14.zip to /tekkit [17:25:09] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/buildcraft-v2.2.14.zip to /tekkit [17:25:09] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.1.3.zip' [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.1.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/buildcraft-additionalpipes-v2.1.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/ccsensors/ccsensors-v017pr1.zip' [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ccsensors-v017pr1.zip' [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ccsensors-v017pr1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ccsensors-v017pr1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:10] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:11] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/computercraft-v1.33.zip' [17:25:11] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/computercraft-v1.33.zip to /tekkit [17:25:11] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/computercraft-v1.33.zip to /tekkit [17:25:11] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/chargingbench/chargingbench-v1.95b.zip' [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/chargingbench-v1.95b.zip' [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/chargingbench-v1.95b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/chargingbench-v1.95b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/dimanchor/dimanchor-v3.2.zip' [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/dimanchor-v3.2.zip' [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/dimanchor-v3.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/dimanchor-v3.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:12] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ee2-v1.4.6.5.zip' [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ee2-v1.4.6.5.zip to /tekkit [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ee2-v1.4.6.5.zip to /tekkit [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/enderstorage-v1.1.3.zip' [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/enderstorage-v1.1.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:13] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/enderstorage-v1.1.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:14] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ic2-v1.97.zip' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ic2-v1.97.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ic2-v1.97.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ic2-advancedmachines-v4.0.zip' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ic2-advancedmachines-v4.0.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ic2-advancedmachines-v4.0.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ic2-compactsolars-v2.3.2.10.zip' [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ic2-compactsolars-v2.3.2.10.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ic2-compactsolars-v2.3.2.10.zip to /tekkit [17:25:15] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ic2-nuclearcontrol-v1.1.10b.zip' [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ic2-nuclearcontrol-v1.1.10b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ic2-nuclearcontrol-v1.1.10b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/immibiscore/immibiscore-v49.1.1.zip' [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/immibiscore-v49.1.1.zip' [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/immibiscore-v49.1.1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/immibiscore-v49.1.1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:16] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/inventorytweaks-v1.41b.zip' [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/inventorytweaks-v1.41b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/inventorytweaks-v1.41b.zip to /tekkit [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/ironchests-v3.8.0.40.zip' [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/ironchests-v3.8.0.40.zip to /tekkit [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/ironchests-v3.8.0.40.zip to /tekkit [17:25:17] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:19] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/matmos-v12.zip' [17:25:19] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/matmos-v12.zip to /tekkit [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/matmos-v12.zip to /tekkit [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/mffs/mffs-v7.zip' [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/mffs-v7.zip' [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/mffs-v7.zip to /tekkit [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/mffs-v7.zip to /tekkit [17:25:20] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/nei-v1.2.2.zip' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/nei-v1.2.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/nei-v1.2.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/netherores/netherores-v1.2.1.zip' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/netherores-v1.2.1.zip' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/netherores-v1.2.1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/netherores-v1.2.1.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/powerconverters/powerconverters-v1.3.4.zip' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/powerconverters-v1.3.4.zip' [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/powerconverters-v1.3.4.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/powerconverters-v1.3.4.zip to /tekkit [17:25:21] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:22] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/rc-v5.3.3.zip' [17:25:22] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/rc-v5.3.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:22] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/rc-v5.3.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:22] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/redpower/redpower-v2.0.5b2.zip' [17:25:23] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/redpower-v2.0.5b2.zip' [17:25:23] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/redpower-v2.0.5b2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:23] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/redpower-v2.0.5b2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/reisminimap/reisminimap-v3.2_04.zip' [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/reisminimap-v3.2_04.zip' [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/reisminimap-v3.2_04.zip to /tekkit [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/reisminimap-v3.2_04.zip to /tekkit [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/tubestuff/tubestuff-v49.1.2.zip' [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/tubestuff-v49.1.2.zip' [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/tubestuff-v49.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/tubestuff-v49.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:24] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/wrcbe-v1.2.2.3.zip' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/wrcbe-v1.2.2.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/wrcbe-v1.2.2.3.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloading 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/z-tekkit-configs/z-tekkit-configs-v3.1.2.zip' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/z-tekkit-configs-v3.1.2.zip' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/z-tekkit-configs-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/z-tekkit-configs-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloading '' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloaded '/temp/z-tekkit-keybinds-v3.1.2.zip' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracting /temp/z-tekkit-keybinds-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Extracted /temp/z-tekkit-keybinds-v3.1.2.zip to /tekkit [17:25:25] [sEVERE] Downloading 'none' [17:25:25] [sEVERE] java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: none [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:585) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:482) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:431) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.async.Download.<init>(Download.java:49) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.DownloadUtils.downloadFile(DownloadUtils.java:35) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.modpacks.ModPackUpdater.extractCustomZip(ModPackUpdater.java:99) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.modpacks.ModPackUpdater.updateModPackMods(ModPackUpdater.java:86) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:831) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$3.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:807) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:296) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:335) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603) [17:25:25] [sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722) [17:25:27] [sEVERE] Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'
  15. I've also tried replacing the lwjgl files and it has not worked for me. Still getting crash after log in.
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