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About Vanilla

  • Birthday 01/23/1989

Vanilla's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Sorry to make you jump through such hoops! Just ya know, BS hackers and name changers. Easier for us to have you spend 10 seconds posting then an hour fixing spawn and stopping a crash bug or something ;3
  2. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/idream-servers-remove-ipenguin-from-staff/signatures As per request of a player. This is the petition for removing a staff member that players seem to dislike. Please do not just "SIGN" because you think it will give another position, only sign if you truly believe that they are abusing their powers and deserve to be de-opped/banned from the Voltz server. (IPenguinMC)
  3. We are opening the server NOW. Please join us as the whitelist has closed now that spawn is set up (Mostly) and enjoy running around and pissing us off if chunk loading causes delay XD!
  4. You don't. I'm Zombie_Clown on the server ^-^. I also have no idea what the world border will be!
  5. Please refer to my highlighted thread and Bop's But yes we have a new world. Also everyone leave your comments on this server! We should probably have less conversations On our forum post.
  6. Silly Silly. I'm just one person I think we should set world limits at maybe 25k. But your suggestions so far seem to be making a huge improvement! ^-^ And ray is taking them into huge consideration.
  7. No worries! Haha. The website link may be incorrect on our forum post. Right now this is the current webpage http://www.idreamservers.com/home Please message me if you have any more questions, concerns, or just feel like talking!
  8. We also apologize for the map reset, but there was a vote for it. Rather than waiting for the download time the vote turned out (So far) 91% Yes, 9% No. Therefore we have reset the map. We apologize for any inconveniences but hope that you all will enjoy our new dedicated host and that we become the #1 server!
  9. We will be unwhitelisted soon. Currently we are building spawn and doing as one palyer suggested. "Warming up the chunks" So there is less lag when people explore
  10. Clear your cache and try to re-download. IF that doesn't work search %appdata% open teh .technicfolder and delete all of Voltz. Then re-download the entire thing and it should work. The downside is you will lose your single-player maps and have to retype in any server data (Such as IP addresses)
  11. Ask wires i'm not involved in that. Not part ofm y job description
  12. I don't believe so. Please be patient as there is a heavy back up of applications. We have several posts on other forums ontop of our normal website that have submkitted aplications.
  13. We're just fixing the Plugins right now. That way you guys don't lose your homes! It seems the update removes Forge Essentials? Idk something like that.
  14. We are currently updating to the newest Voltz version. Please everyone update your clients if you wish to join us on 1.0.6 This will also require a CLEAR CATCH which can be located during launchup if you click the options button. IT should be obvious where the clear catch button is. After this we hope to have fixed the Smelting Factory glitch. Also everyone, if the map is updated PLEASE do not complain as we can do nothing more. We are trying our hardest to keep the old map (Especially because many of us staff also play and lose our stuff) The downtime will last from any amount of time! But it should be back shorty
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