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About Pullarn

  • Birthday 04/01/1993

Pullarn's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I started doing a normal minecraft server, but later found out that you needed tekkit's own server to play online. Therefore I downloaded the server and downloaded all the files, but then this message pop ups in the command console: "Perhaps a server is already running on that port?" So I've deleted my "normal" minecraft server and everything it contained but it still isn't working. I've even restarted my computer... Help would be much appreciated!
  2. Is it only me that's having this issue?? Or can the TechnichLauncher.exe simply not connect to any multiplayer server?
  3. Title: Connection Lost Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 64x Java Version: Description of Problem: I'm having trouble with this problem that I can't connect to my own Minecraft Server with the TechnicLauncher.exe. I get the message "Connection Lost. End of stream." But, I'm not having any troubles connecting with the normal Minecraft.exe program. I've tried deleting the "lastlogin" and "launcher.properties" from the .techniclauncher file, with no success. Error Messages: Connection Lost. End of stream. Error Log:
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