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Posts posted by xMrCreeperFace

  1. Hello, Im xMrCreeperFace, (yes, that's my IGN)

    I'm 16 years old right now, and I live in the netherlands.

    I'd like to start out in like any biome, maybe like on the bottom of the ocean, in glass spheres.

    I don't have anything like an most desired local resource, but what I use most is Iron, Redstone, Copper, tin, sticky resin, Nikolite, Any type of gemstone, though I prefer Emeralds or ruby.

    My playstyle is different each time I play, Than I'm like, im going to make an base full of redpower stuff! or, It's going to be all magical! or, Automating everything is fun! so yeah, try to get your information out of that bit..

    any other information? I'm a bit of an alone player, although I like to chat a lot. when im waiting, lets look at the chat! or when I'm busy with making something, or when I'm just done with making something awesome.

    I hope I get whitelisted! (:

    - xMrCreeperFace

  2. IGN: xMrCreeperFace

    Age: 15

    Experience with Tekkit: One year as of now, well, with the old one.

    How long you have been playing for: 3/4th of an year, so like 9 months

    What you are good at (Buildings, etc.): Chatting ^^, Making nice automatic machines.

    Why you think you would be a good addition to the server: Well, as i said above, I like to chat while playing, so I can help keeping the community up. (:

  3. Your In Game Name: xMrCreeperFace

    Your Age:15

    How often are you planning on playing: Almost everyday

    For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:

    For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: To come a bit further, than just 5 solar panels, a macerator, bat box, electric furnace, and a generator.

    For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I love the freedom, usually, im only on singleplayer tekkit, because in multiplayer, there are always some things banned, and usually, thats EE, but without EE, it isnt tekkit.

    Additional Comments: I know you're probably thinking like, oh, he's 15, probably another of those griefers, but im not. I love to go on MP servers, for the community it has, so i can chat a bit with people, and ask questions if i dont understand something.

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