I am looking for a tekkit partner where we would do some Let's Plays.
To start I will say a little bit about myself.
My name is Jonathon, (IGN: jonnyboyjr, YOUTUBE: johnnyt5999).
I am currently in the EST timezone and I still partake in school. I am also able to host a server (2-3 people max) and I can record and upload videos.
Now you may be wondering what I am looking for; well this is where you will find it.
I am looking for someone who is mature and at least over 15 and is able to record sometime between 5 and 9 EST on weekdays.
If you are interested please PM me with the following.
Subject: I am interested in joining your Tekkit Let's Play
How old are you?
What timezone are you in?
When are you able to record?
Are you mature?
Do you have experience doing Let's Plays?
Are you experienced with Tekkit?
Are you human ?
How often could you be available?
Would you be able to record?