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Posts posted by Durkadur

  1. We talked to him in the past and he did not ask for it to be removed in previous versions. He has requested that he would not like it to be in future versions unless we meet his stipulations. There was a misunderstanding and it has be cleared up. We have respectfully honored his decision. We're not horrible nazis. Read the chatlog covertjag posted. Does Icewolf sound like an asshole who doesn't give a shit about the modders? We are people, who put in a lot of personal work and time to help improve modding and the user experience. You could try getting to know us. Right now your words don't match up with current reality.

    First of all, I'm sorry if I came of as a douche. I should say that english is not my native language so I apologize if I have been rude. I'm really happy with all the work that the Technic team put into the launcher and Tekkit. If not for you guys, me and my friends would have stopped playing Minecraft many months ago. We would never even had tried a single mod. So a big thanks to all you guys from me and my friends from our server.

    I'm just trying to get a grip of the situation here. I have not seen the chat log with Icewolf. I could not for my mind understand why a modder wouldn't want their work in the biggest Minecraft mod pack. It just didn't make sense to me. So I contacted CovertJaguar on IRC and he said what I wrote earlier. That you didn't have permission to use his mod in Tekkit and that he 'tolerated' it because you where the only mod pack at the time. With Tekkit Lite he wants you to show him that you have permission for all mods before he gives his permission for Railcraft.

    Know I don't know why he said this. I'm not sure why he feels he is in a position to make demands on you guys. But this is the reality. Why did I say I felt this to be a dark cloud? Because that's how I feel. I really do want to switch my server over to Tekkit Lite. It seems perfect for our small server, and everything is nice and updated. But we really like Railcraft and I get the feelings this isn't going to get solved. So this is an issue. Maybe not a big one for sure - but an issue never the less.

    No it's not. Smarten up or get bent.

    I will try to smarten up then.

  2. Well I can confirm that CovertJaguar indeed wants proof that Tekkit has permission for ALL mods in Tekkit Lite. I get the feeling this is a old grudge from CovertJaguar. The Tekkit team never got permission from him to use Railcraft in the original Tekkit pack. Since it's old he doesn't care about it now - but Tekkit Lite isn't old.

    The question is this: Will the Tekkit team bother to get permission from mod developers now when they haven't in the past? If they don't I get the feeling that Railcraft isn't the only mod that will disappear in the future. This is a dark cloud looming over shiny Tekkit Town.

  3. This is really a delicate situation with Forestry and Tekkit. Somewhere I feel the authors have forgotten that they make mods for another company's game - not their own game. It's supposed to be for the community of Minecraft to enjoy. We are all fans of the same game here. To include malicious code just because you happen to have a beef with the makers of a mod pack - is to me baffling. It hurts no one else than the players - the ones who truly love this game. It's really unforgivable and I will never have such software on my server. What happens if he suddenly isn't pleased with Feed The Beast anymore? Will he start making new bad ware to infect the players with?

    I can understand that authors want creed for their work. But how many players would they have if not for mod packs such as Tekkit? It's complicated enough to install mods on my computer - let alone see to it that all players on the server have the same mods and same versions. Tekkit has been the ONLY reason me and my friends on my server still play Minecraft. Without mods we would be bored with Minecraft many months ago. And without Tekkit we would still be playing something else because no one would bother installing it all. I feel Tekkit deserve some credit here for making great mods easy to enjoy.

    While maintaining a server there is one thing I want - stability. That is not a word I would use in the Minecraft mod community right now. Well with the API coming, Bukkit vs Forge and now Tekkit Lite vs Feed The Beast - it's starting to get messy. The only question I need answered is this: Should the servers playing Tekkit now stick to their worlds or start migrating to Tekkit Lite or Feed The Beast? Or will none of this matter when the official API comes out? The whole future for the Minecraft mod community feels a little bit uncertain.

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