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Everything posted by Elysian

  1. I never said you was here too do that. However, It'd be a great help if you'd atleast help me!
  2. Well, I'm obviously new to the community, therefore not aware of where to post(And FYI, I did read the board posts, I still don't know where to post:/). Maybe you could be a little bit more helpful and guide me to the right place(?)
  3. Woah woah! I know you get loads of these. I've been with Tekkit for a while but not so much on making a Tekkit Server. As some people like to disable certain items(not a complete mod), such as, Nukes, Dynamite, Destruction Catalyst, etc.. I'd like to know what the BEST way to do it. I don't mind if it's confusing I'll try and get a way round it. People say use PermissionEx as they offer ModifyWorld? Can someone help me in this way? - Elysian.
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