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Everything posted by Joey5525

  1. I never recall breaking any blocks that aren't familiar to me? please I am begging you guys to give me a second chance
  2. I never griefed and I thought this server was awesome.................. GUESS I WAS WRONG!!
  3. but guys I don't even know what a transporter block is
  4. I don't know why you guys said I griefed some one because I never recall greifing or stealing from anyone. Also if you guys let me back on the server I will restart my 15 days and do them again, but only if I can get my house back and all my items. thank you
  5. Hi guys btw I'm Bugman4321. I don't know why I was banned because I never greifed or anything. In fact I cuaght a greifer steeling from someone's house that I barely knew. I really love this server and I'm just asking if you can unban me. Thank you
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