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Everything posted by BlackShadowGod

  1. IGN: BlackShadowGod Age: 32 Why would you like to join our community? Looking for a new home for hexxit. Have you read, and agree to all of our rules? Yes, they are all common sense rules, so I agree. Do you know how to install the Hexxit Mod Pack? Yup thru the Technic Launcher
  2. Ok this is what i did to fix this problem (I hope). Open the technic launcher folder and delete the voltz folder and then run the launcher. Select Volts which will force your launcher to re download Voltz. This seems to work.
  3. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windos 7 ultimate Java Version: Antivirus Program: none Description of Problem: I attempt to launch Voltz and when it gets to "Checking for minecraft update" it pops up a "update failed" message and gives me no options as to how to correct this problem so any help here would be appreciated. thank you. Error Messages: Update Failed Error Log: update failed
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