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About Joshrl

  • Birthday 06/25/1996

Joshrl's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name: Ryaora Age: 16 What do you wish to accomplish?: I wish to be able to create a self-sustaining generator to create resources needed for further developement. Have you played IC2 or BuildCraft?: I have used both and gotten familar with them, but even then there are things I haven't been able to use yet like LogisticsPipes that only got added to Tekkit recently. What is the purpose of a macerator?: Macerates ores or ore blocks into dust, which can then be used in recipes or then smelted to double the normal amount of ingots you'd receive instead if you normally smelted them. Recommendations (if you been invited): I was not invited. Others things i should know: I live in New Zealand, so there is a chance that the server won't be so peachy for my connection, but I'll see what I can do.
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