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Everything posted by Vovegog

  1. So, this isn't really a "fix", but it's some kind of workaround. First, http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2675769 This guy has made something great. Download that small file, run it and follow his instructions. CONGRATZ. With this program I was able to run Skyrim, Hitman, Metro, Dead Space 2, Euro Truck Sim 2 (DON'T JUDGE ME), RAGE - pretty much everything in Bordered Window-mode without any problem. And people who said it's a problem with WIndows 8, you are completely correct. Windows 8 basically caps the framerate of windows and programs running in the background - and running a fullscreen game will automatically do just that... Put everything else as background. However, this is a fix until Microsoft eventually (hopefully) fixes this small screw-up. Happy gaming weekend, guys!
  2. Edit: Server posted the same comment twice.
  3. Not being helpful here, guys. I like Windows 8, I actually think it's better than Windows 7. New funzies for the _helpful_, borderless window-mode works fine. I can play in B-windowed mode and use my second monitor without fail.
  4. Thanks for the answer, but it's sadly already set to that in Global Settings. I finally got an answer over at Overclock too, and they say it's a problem with Windows 8 probably which makes me a sad panda/pony. I think it's most likely a lost cause, but if anybody (or you, Freakachu) have any other suggestions I will gladly try them out. :)
  5. I originally posted this on overclock.net, but they haven't answered in a day so I'm trying my luck here to see if anyone can help me with this! ---------- So, I just recently upgraded my Win7 to Win8 (both 64-bit) *applause* I can't express well enough how pleased I am that they did NOT **** it up... *looks at Vista* Now, I am a big fan of fullscreen-gaming on one monitor while watching series, movies or just use my second monitor in general while playing on the other one. This worked without fail in Windows 7 as I've done this for the past two years or so. However, this seems to not be viable anymore with my Win8 after I updated both my OS and my drivers from NVidia. When I fullscreen a game on monitor 1, my WHOLE second monitor laggs badly (except for the mouse). Everything from the start-menu, my web browser, quite literally everything laggs except my cursor. As you may understand, this is an annoyance for me and I would like to assault the problem and kill it with fire. My specs are as follows; i7 2600k OC'd to 4.2 GHz ASUS NVidia GTX 680 DCUII 8 GB RAM running at 1333 MHz Windows 8 pro 64-bit Again, I did not have this problem on Win7 with the exact same specs. It worked before. Now it doesn't. Good luck in figuring this out, cuz I sure as hell can't! :D
  6. Anyone knows how I can do this? I found some nice ores in my tunnel while not knowing I was headed towards the spawn-chunk, so I can't mine the ore. It's me and a friend on a server hosted by me.
  7. The download-the-game-client? It's a Sony-game so it utilizes launchpad. You might not be into the technical beta that runs right now, I don't know. You might not get to join the beta till later.
  8. Lol, I am in. I'm downloading the client as we speak. It was a bad try at being funny, that's all. Edit; also, New Conglomerate FTW!
  9. You didn't hear it from me, but I might or might not be in the Beta cuz I won a key over twitter. If I am I can't say cuz of NDA, but I might not be because I can't say. Although it is very obvious that I might be (or might not). ANYWAY, see you in Beta, Darth! (Did I just blow the cover? Oh, well!)
  10. Feel free to PM it or make a thread for it, I would love to read it, lol.
  11. Was thinking more in the line of "neighbour coming into your house shouting loud as fuck"-caught.
  12. ROFL, bet you pissed a lot of people. Ever got caught?
  13. It's called being adventurous and curious. A kid should do stupid shit to learn not to do them more than once.
  14. YouTube is a goldmine when it comes to bad comments.
  15. I'm tempted to say "yes" just for the lols, but I will hold back the temptation. Well, that may be true. I guess it's the curse of the 2000-generation.
  16. Am I missing a joke here, because last I checked it's pretty hard to write with your dick.
  17. Ooh, fuck you. Not my first language as you might see from my avatar. At least I don't write "u", lol.
  18. Wait, wait, wait. So you're saying that people are too lazy to write correct in a JOB-APPLICATION? What? That's just idiotic, how can they expect to even be answered when they do that? Whenever I write an application, I will at least go through it to make it seem professional.
  19. I can survive Dodger doing that, because she is friggin ADORABLE. She's just barely hot enough for me to resist my inner grammar nazi.
  20. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.no/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html Hahaha, that cracked me up. But seriously, people that write "u" should be hanged or put in the guillotine.
  21. I hate "u".
  22. Hahah, GG Jay?.
  23. Hahah, I think you're thread back-fired jakj. Dont know what your complaining about, though. I see no fault's in any people's spelling and grammar above me. ;)
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