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Everything posted by Spleenling

  1. I seem unable to find them normally nor hack them in leaving me unable to use mystcraft. can anyone help?
  2. Window 7 Should have put that in OP
  3. Can anyone help and tell me the default route to it?
  4. I just updated to the most recent Dev build and there are still no water strainers when i search the inventory editor.
  5. How do i deal with the Water mixed with the oil. The wiki tells me to make a water strainer which does not seem to exist. Can someone help I've found the largest deposit type off shroe
  6. I just founds some in my tekkit Lite world (Made after Lite came out) and the inventory editor (Forgotten name) Claims it doesn't exist when i search for it I get it highlighted in my inventory but i doesn't show on the list of items in the game Can someone explain?
  7. I there a to remove all the ages you have unlocked in Mystcraft?
  8. Started a new world with Tekkit lite Played a few hour went to find rubber trees The only biomes that have generated are snowy ones and ocean. Is a feature i am unaware that does this or is it a bug?
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