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Posts posted by alexdevus

  1. Dude, this is just sad. Nobody banned me for any reason, you're just trying to cast doubt for everyone on my opinion. In fact, I just tried to log in just now, and it worked. I wanted to go to spawn in order to get a screenshot to prove it... but I forgot, you don't HAVE a spawn in that world, nor do you have any commands set up for players (like /spawn or /sethome. You know, vitally important commands for a multiplayer server.)

  2. Alex was one of my friends at a time and he came back. I am sorry to see all of these reports of childish things. The only reason I swore was because he came onto the server swearing. I warned him to stop but... He would not so? I banned him then he said ... On the forums and that got me really mad so I swore. Perhaps before making any type of thought perhaps you should listen to the one who is being accused.

    Okay, let's take a look at the forums again. You have it linked in the first post in this thread, but here's the link again: http://tecraft.comze.com/forum/

    There are 6 threads:

    1) Donations. In it, it's explained exactly what I said earlier, that donators get VIP status. The only post is mine, asking what VIP status gives other than a title. No response.

    2) My post asking if the server was going to reset. No responses.

    3) Moderator applications. I think I explained my thoughts on that pretty well in previous posts.

    4) The "Welcome" thread, also created by me. One response by SilverDwarf, thanking me for my suggestions for the server.

    5)Ban Appeals. No responses.

    6) Server Rules. No responses.

    So, I don't see anywhere where someone said something on the forums negative towards anyone. As for what was said in game, I don't remember the other guy cursing, but that's also besides the point- you're staff, not him. He gets three strikes, just like the Server Rules say. Instead of giving him a strike, you curse at him? The whole, "but he cursed at me first" argument is lame and immature, especially coming from an administrator. Not to mention blatantly lying about another member saying negative things on the server just to cover your own butt.

    Hey why don't you Alex crawl into a cave and stop being a liar. Just because Jeremy did not believe your story about greifing on his server does not give you the right to create cruel lies.

    I don't know who Jeremy is. I assume you're referring to GamerX10, but I could be wrong. At any rate, I don't think I have to defend myself when I say that griefing is most definitely a rampant problem on this server. Like player "raf" said, people run terrified of each other, and exact revenge on each other's items and houses, mostly because everyone knows that Rule #2 is not being enforced.

    Quote from your forum Server Rules:

    "2. No griefing or stealing.

    Even though pvp is enabled, we do not allow you to grief things or take other peoples hard earned items. However, you are allowed to kill each other, so long as you are outside of spawn protection. It is called Pvp, and not Pvb (Player vs. Building). Violating this rule will get you either a strike or a ban, depending on the amount you griefed or stole."

    This rule was never enforced, even when I saw staff online. I understand that people can only take my word for it, but frankly XPownage, your credibility in this conversation has been diminished to mean almost nothing.

    I am deeply sorry for having done this to your precious server, but people deserve to know that your server is simply a waste of time. I've offered you some solutions in previous posts, but I doubt you'll listen. Good luck.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention... you were never my "friend," as you suggest.

  3. A well thought-out and coherent response to my review, GamerX10, thank you. Allow me to continue my review then, since you're so clearly interested in what I have to say.

    5. SPAWN

    Unlike most servers, this server has no real "spawn" area. Most owners like to build around it, maybe spawning you in a building and taking the initiative to make you aware of the server rules, website, etc. Instead, there is nothing, just like if you spawned into a new world.

    You will, however, be greeted by at least one player in the server, right outside of the spawn area. They will be testing your ability to run... away from them, as they chase you with swords. That's right, since this is a PvP server with little to no attention from the owner/admins, spawn-camping happens nearly 24/7 (I say "nearly" because, as GamerX10 said, the server isn't up 24/7. Only "nearly" 24/7.)

    I mean this quite literally. Every time I logged in, someone was complaining about a spawn-camper.


    I already spoke about the staff once before, but this is a caveat to what I was saying.

    One of the server rules is no swearing. The administrators (like XPownage up there,) do not adhere to this rule. Every time I was online with them, they cursed. Mostly at other players for little things, like asking for copper. I don't feel the need to have to prove this with screenshots, as my point is already made earlier in this thread.

    The staff also does not do anything about other rules, like griefing. It is made explicitly clear in the rules on the forums that this is a PvP map, not PvE, and griefing would not be tolerated. My soon-to-be friend in the game was griefed while an administrator was online, and he refused to do anything about it. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that player "1one3" who posted earlier in this thread about a griefer will have no help from the staff.

    Unfortunately, griefing runs rampant, but that is expected in nearly every server. I only complain because I have seen it happen while I was online with staff members, and saw them do nothing about it.


    The owner was looking for more staff on the forums, and I read through the application process. The first application looked great to me; lots of moderator experience, knew a lot of commands, etc. But, the owner shot him down pretty hard. One person did get accepted, and his application was HUGE. The applicant who was accepted listed every command in the game (which, after doing some cross-referencing, looks like he simply copy/pasted the Wiki for moderator commands,) and claimed that every player on the server loved him and looked up to him.

    It would have been impressive, had I not simply looked at Wiki and noticed that this guy was balls-out lying about what he knew, and had I not played on the server for a few days and knew that NOBODY respected each other at all (see review #1,) then maybe I would have been impressed. But the owner seemed to like it, and made him admin the next day.

    Needless to say, it has been made apparent that if you put on an amazing resume, no matter how legit it is, you'll get staff. Maybe that's why the level of maturity, politeness and helpfulness in the staff is an all-time high. /sarcasm.


    None. You won't find anything here that you won't find anywhere else. In fact, you'll find less. No towns, no drop parties, no factions. Everyone scrambles 3k meters away from spawn to protect themselves from griefers (since the staff does nothing to help,) so you're basically playing single-player mode, except you might log-in one day to find your house--that took you days to build--exploded by someone you killed earlier (even though it's against the rules. Again, see review #6.)

    9. Still haven't gotten a response on the forums about the server reset. I also have not received a response for why donators do not receive any in-game items instead of just a forum title.

    If I'm wrong about any of these points, I would love to hear what I've mistaken.

  4. I've played a few tekkit servers in my time, and since my main one is down for maintenance for a while, I decided to check this server out. Here is my review.


    I met one guy who was willing to play with me, and not just try to kill me right off the bat. I'm personally a fan of the social aspect of tekkit, getting to play with other players, talking with them, building together... but for the most part, if you want a server where everyone takes PvP seriously and you're pretty much on your own, this is the server for you.


    If you like energy condensers or collectors, forget it. It's still possible to get lots of power, and build giant buildings, but don't think you can just condense 1000 wool to make your building. You'll have to shear that crap on your own. I personally don't like it, but if you were never a fan of "magic" stuff like condensers, then you'll enjoy this server.

    3. THE LAG

    This server lags. All. The. Time. That's all I have to say.

    4. THE STAFF

    This is the biggest reason why I won't be coming back to this server.

    The administrator (as you can probably tell in this thread,) is a jerk. He threatens bans for simple things. The other day, someone died and forgot to set his home, so he asked the admin to tp to his house to get his stuff before it despawned. Admin threatened him with ban if he asked again, right off the bat. Someone else got a ban threat for asking for copper. Needless to say, the staff here is NOT nice.

    The owner is downright unhelpful and non-communicative. Yesterday, we had a server reset, and DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. Actually, I take that back; he apparently logged on for maybe 30 seconds the morning before and told whatever 3 people were online that they were resetting. One of those people haphazardly mentioned it while I was on later, so I posted about it in their forums. I asked if we were resetting, as there was one guy running his mouth about it. Lo and behold, the server was reset the next day without so much as a word from the owner. He clearly doesn't care about the people on his server, he's only interested in donations.

    The forums are poorly built, and there are currently only (maybe) 6 threads, two of which are mine. The top thread? DONATIONS. Oh, and donating literally gives you nothing but "VIP" status in this server. You get nothing else but a new title for donating, and the owner is asking for a lot of money, not just a buck or two.

    Sorry, Tecraft, not only will I NOT be donating to your laggy server, but I'm through after this unspoken reset. Get yourself a staff that actually cares about people and doesn't try to rip heads off, get a dedicated server that won't lag the server every five minutes whenever there are more than 2 people online, and don't do drastic changes to the server without telling people, and maybe you'll get people over the age of 9 to play on your server.

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