Me and a friend have our server in dropbox, and we alternate with running it. But since Tekkit 0.5.2 my friends gets heavy lag if he's hosting and playing it on his pc.
It works fine when I run it and he connects to me.
He has an i7 with 16Gb ram and GTX560
I have an i7 with 12Gb ram and GTX480
On both our systems the server will use between 2-3GB ram. Sometimes it peaks to 4.
When I ran JProfiler on the server it showed that computercraft seems to be using a lot even though we have never used that mod.
And we don't even have any factory up yet either.
Wondering if anyone know how to fix this. Or how to disable computercraft.
I've tried deleting the computercraft zip and the computercraft, and turtle config. but then the server starts complaining about loading turtles.
Screenshot of JProfiler: