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About griffwolf

  • Birthday 04/23/1984

griffwolf's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I'm trying to connect to the server but I keep getting an end of stream error. It's odd because I load half the spawn and see people moving around and talking but I'm unable to talk or move far without falling through the world... I'm getting an Norton warning that I'm unable to turn off. Any idea how to allow the server to connect to my PC through Norton? :\
  2. I would like an explanation as to why me and my friend (who was sitting right next to me) were banned from the server after the server crashed two times in a row at around 9:40 eastern time. We spent about 12 hours playing over the last two days and were not given any reason or evidence as to why we were banned from the server. I have posted a topic on the server website and I hope to get a reply.
  3. Can't see to connect, I'm getting a java socket messaging saying the connection was reset? :C
  4. You should make the spawn safe from monsters! :D
  5. Hello! Two apps for you... Name/Nickname: Griff, Diger IGN: Griffwolf and digeridude Age: We are both 28 Time Zone: East coast, USA. Little about you: We are best friends who are looking for a small community to play Tekkit on. We just want a place to build a factory and learn tekkit that's on a dedicated server!
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