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About jamiemac262

  • Birthday 03/24/1993

jamiemac262's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. you can try this: http://getspigot.org/cauldron/ but be aware that when i try the above steps, i get told i am missing "essential library files"
  2. i would like to come on and play, tekkie is telling me it can't reach your server, have you crashed? my IGN is jamiemac262
  3. now that minecraft supports profiles in it's launcher, i wonder if technic ever considered offering modpacks to be downloaded as profiles for the vanilla launcher (even just temporarily..)..... perhaps that's even more complex than making the platform 1.6.2 compatible :L
  4. i use facebook too much, i just went to hit the like button 0.o thanks for letting me know :)
  5. i have all my mods ready, it is all set up and ready to add to the platform, but they are all for 1.6.2! so i need to ask, why do we not have the option to upload 1.6.2 modpacks? and when will it be possible to set up 1.6.2 modspacks?
  6. do you mean like tekkit or tekkit lite? we use tekkit lite
  7. Welcome to Tekkcraft.net - Home of the increasingly popular ServerAI [h1]ServerAI replaces essentials![/h] Please note that due to a spawning glitch you will spawn for the first time on the roof of our spawn. Our spawn command has been replaces by ServerAI who uses in game chat instead of commands... simply ask SAI to send you to spawn (you need the words sai me and spawn in the same sentence Tekkcraft has been working hard and round the clock for a long time to build up a server we believe you will all enjoy we have gone through stress, exhaustion and about 3 hosts to bring you the least laggy, most entertaining experience we can offer, and we're still getting better! one of our owners spent several months building the new spawn area for our map which we hope you will all enjoy as we fill it with interesting surprises Server IP: Server Rules: Our rules are likely to change over time. the latest rules can be found at www.tekkcraft.net NO BANNED ITEMS Tekkcraft is going to be running 24/7 with minimal down time for maintenance There are NO restrictions on items just now but that will be changes when we introduce VIP packs
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