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About NewGENER4TIONCricket

  • Birthday 03/07/1995

NewGENER4TIONCricket's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Glove is different in this latest update
  2. That's hilarious though I suggest just retexuring them for now
  3. You can't enchant power suit items not a bug
  4. Username:TheCricket26 Age:16 Timezone:Eastern Standard Time Past Experience:I have owned 2 Servers and have been mod/admin on 2 others Why do you want to join the staff roster?: I absolutely love to help others. I feel im better than average with all the mods in tekkit since i have played these mods for years. I am very good with plugins once i learn the commands. It would be an honor to work for you. Anything else we should know about you?: I have indeed been banned once on a server. It is a really funny story I tell all the time to my friends, I joined this server and these guys had a sheep, apparently it was some sacred sheep, which i had no idea about so i killed it to get wool, once they figured out it was dead they banned me. It was hilarious. Thank you so much for your time and i hope to hear from you soon in the mean time the race to the moon begins!
  6. Ok I will do it sometime today
  7. If media fire right click the download button and copy link
  8. First sorry Second no everything is right Third it's on the platform if you download it you will see the problem
  9. Hello I have a terrible bug on the mac side of the platform. If you make a Modpack on a mac when you download it it will stay in the temp folder and not be distributed and will stay vanilla. This is a huge problem since mac users don't like pcs not trying to discriminate just a known fact. Could you please figure out how to fix this it is a big problem for me thank you ~Cricket
  10. Here's the problem check your instillation folder and then the temp folder sometimes the mod won't actually distribute the zip for some odd it will just stay in the temp folder hope this helps
  11. Age: 15 Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/newgener4tioncricket, http://www.youtube.com/user/quick5c0pes Can you record in 1080p?: yep it's no problem What I should call you: you can call me cricket but my names Brandon Why you want to join: I would love to join you I have a small channel and we make pretty good videos they will be getting better if you watched them. I get bored when not recording so I would love to join you
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