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About aceore369

  • Birthday 09/06/1998

aceore369's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In-Game Name aceore369 Age and Global Location? 14 U.S. TX Have you ever been banned before? only once as a temp ban Why do you play SMP? to have a slight realilistic idea of how this stuff is irl You know this is a member application right? yes How long have you been playing Minecraft? for about a year and a half How did you find us? i was trying to find a new server for the new tekkit because i used to play the tekkit clasic What's your favorite color? gold, an advanced yellow Will you please make an account on our Website? yes i will Anything else you want to add? nope
  2. bubba just used his mod powers to take my chest to his perm.
  3. hey mayoz i was just at mlgs base cuz im cool wit him and he said i could live there for a bit and pep knew i was cool with him but killed me then condensed my stuff so i was telling him to stopp being mean and he muted me, then bubba temp banned me for no reason. all it said for the reason was hi. they wont stop being mean and useing there powers for it.
  4. Hey mayoz igot temp banned by bubba for brecking unlocked hv pannels in a non protected area there where a friends also.
  5. dude some advice ban nuke cuz it isnt fair. i got greifed in my house when it was faction protected just cuz you have nuke unbanded. i and if you dont do anything about it im not coming back on, and im gonna do everthing to jepradize you.
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