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About CroFireMan

  • Birthday 07/10/1997

CroFireMan's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Whitelist me, magiguy101
  2. dylan,check your inbox.
  3. Its because you are too close to uranium.
  4. Yes,i would be able to do that.
  5. How do you mean,"When they are able to play"?
  6. You can jump where was a block that was broken,type the commands and see who broke the block.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsf58t_SAKE You have some commands here
  8. http://www.curse.com/server-mods/minecraft/swatchdog
  9. when you make a faction,the faction has a property in what you cannot remove/place blocks and open chests.
  10. If you are making factions,please make the faction property unprotected,let it be a secret base,underground,not a 1 man faction with protected land,its so unrealistic.
  11. I want that too,but you are only going to get it if you whitelist the server because there will be bunch of little kids joining the game and griefing. PS: I played on a Whitelisted Tekkit server a long time ago and he had a plugin that can see every block that was removed and chest opened or something like that. There was never any griefing because of that witouth need for extra plugins.
  12. Is it going to have some kind of property protection(i hope not),were is it going to be located?
  13. The tekkit one needs RP stuff to craft like wafers...
  14. It would be nice to see ComputerCraft mod in Voltz.
  15. try downloading the .jar version of the launcher.
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