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Posts posted by CroFireMan

  1. if you have some friends you can build your own fort, whatever you want. I kind of want to have factions, make it realistic

    If you are making factions,please make the faction property unprotected,let it be a secret base,underground,not a 1 man faction with protected land,its so unrealistic.

  2. I want the game to be as fun as possible for all players, a little of something for everyone. I'm looking for a realistic feel to the game. Groups of people, trading, diplomacy etc

    I want that too,but you are only going to get it if you whitelist the server because there will be bunch of little kids joining the game and griefing.

    PS: I played on a Whitelisted Tekkit server a long time ago and he had a plugin that can see every block that was removed and chest opened or something like that.

    There was never any griefing because of that witouth need for extra plugins.

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