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Everything posted by KILLAKAN10

  1. there is no server.properties
  2. by that you mean batch file and i cant really launch it because the batch file brings up a command prompt screen that closes when i press a key.
  3. i found the batch file "launch" but it closes as soon as i press a key (its a cmd file) anything around that?
  4. by unpack you mean extract? and batch file?
  5. me and my friends have decided to get a tekkit server going but idk how to do that the server download link gives you and outdated version so that leaves me stumped. can anybody help me with this? i have a windows vista
  6. lol people are still commenting on my thread even when i said in it there's no point anymore

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  7. lol people are still commenting even though there's no point

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  8. i got some friends and we agreed to set up a server to play on i have a good computer but i don't know how to set up a server i'm planning to make a tekkit and volts server can anybody help? oh and i think winrar's screwing up the zip if so can anybody help me get rid of it?
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