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About drunk_sob

  • Birthday 04/20/1985

drunk_sob's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. first off there is no reason to be rude its childish , and second just to clarify i didnt ask any one to change or modify ic2 in any way. all i did was ask a question about how a mod that is part of the tekkit-lite mod pack works with the new changes. you would know that if you even bothered to read the post before flaming. I did research btw all it says on the ic2 wiki is needs a redstone current but nothing about redpower or redpower2 or linilla levers.
  2. I feel like its a stupid question but its pissing me off how the $%^* do you power a nuke reactor? I ask because it used to be you just put stuff in and it worked, then they made it require a redstone signal to turn on and I used to use a lever on the side of the reactor, and finally now you cant put a lever on the reactor because if you right click the reactor with a lever in your hand to attach it it just enters the interface ><! ive tried redpower,redpower2 wire and it doesnt connect to the reactor nor turn it on wth am i missing and plz stoop changing stupid sht tekkit
  3. idk what happend my server was running fine then one day the world stoped wanting to load correctly I dont know if its lost for good or if its fixable. if any one can help or has info plz post. here is the stack trace java.lang.Exception: Stack trace at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(Thread.java:1342) at ic2.core.IC2.addContinuousTickCallback(IC2.java:1908) at ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable.changeFoam(TileEntityCable.java:518) at ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable.a(TileEntityCable.java:82) at any.c(TileEntity.java:150) at aam.a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:418) at aam.a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:103) at aam.a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:83) at im.f(ChunkProviderServer.java:182) at im.c(ChunkProviderServer.java:118) at im.d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166) at yc.e(World.java:521) at yc.a(World.java:404) at buildcraft.core.TileBuffer.refresh(TileBuffer.java:36) at buildcraft.core.TileBuffer.initialize(TileBuffer.java:31) at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.initialize(TileGenericPipe.java:277) at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.g(TileGenericPipe.java:161) at yc.h(World.java:2151) at in.h(WorldServer.java:516) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:680) at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:270) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:599) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:497) at fy.run(SourceFile:849)
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