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Posts posted by Kikanek

  1. Nice... So main question is why are You posting it here? Post it on MCPC-Plus thread. But still, try what i said. If it won't work, just remove GroupManager. (when i have been using PEX, i even didn't known there is something named GroupManager, so shouldn't make any change for You if Your not using it "for a reason")

  2. Really? Strange thing... Then uninstall PEX (but don't remove it's folder), install bPermissions and after reloading / restarting Your server type the following commands:

    /permissions import pex

    /permissions reload

    On BukkitForge, PEX is making problems, so temporarily it's the best way. You shouldn't see any change with bPermissions (other than different commands...) and it is less buggy. (For example, last time using PEX on Tekkit Lite with BukkitForge, i noticed that PEX can't read Essentials permissions, then i changed to bPermissions and works perfect)

  3. I guess You use BukkitForge on Tekkit Lite? Because on MCPC that have overridden Tekkit Lite jar it's "different job"... Well. Completely remove LWC folder from plugins folder, download the latest BukkitForge from BukkitForge jenkins, and override the BukkitForge You have installed with the downloaded one. On the latest BukkitForge LWC should work perfect, at least for me works :-)

  4. Sorry for "digging the topic up", but maybe it will help someone...

    The bug is related to changing from CraftBukkit engine to Vanilla engine. Tekkit Lite is Vanilla engine, so it doesn't support CanPickUpLoot value that CraftBukkit sets to 1, so using NBTEdit You have to modify Your players files ([world name]/players folder) changing CanPickUpLoot from 1 to 0 in every of the players files.

    So simply, You can fix it by two ways. 1, simple one but clears items of Your players: Just delete all files from players folder. 2, simple too but boring way that won't delete Your players items: Download NBTEdit (search in Google, You'll find) and in every file in the players folder modify CanPickUpLoot value to 0.

    Ah, and i'm sorry for bad English, i am from Poland :-)

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