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Posts posted by Dr_Mannai

  1. Do you feel the need for a greater challenge in Minecraft?

    Meet RageTech, a modpack designed around progression and creating an environment whereby you cant win the game after just a few hours of gameplay!

    RageTech has something for pretty much everyone. Want to be the 'Archmage of The Entire Freakin' Universe' then come and learn the rules that govern nature it's self with the Thaumcraft mod! But maybe you don't believe in all that voodoo and magic nonsense, if that's the case then why not get started with Computercraft or IC2/Gregtech? Maybe that's still not your cup o' tea. Well in that case why not try your hand at farming, with the forestry and Apiculture mods? We have all these mods and many many more!

    Where can I find the RageTech modpack?


    The download link for the technic launcher can be found on this page:



    As for the 1.7.10 Alpha access: join Teamspeak for the required setup :)

    Join us using the IP: Play.RageTech.Uk

    Temaspeak: Ts.RageTech.uk

    Website: RageTech.uk

    Some Pictures:)



    The Menu Screen


    6 Planets To Visit


    Randomly Generated Structures


    What are the rules?

    While a full rule board can be found on the server as soon as you log in, the main rules are as follows: 

                            1: No exploiting of any kind, this includes the use of 3rd party client side mods and exploiting bugs in-game for profit.

                                                                                               2: Do not spam or act inappropriately in any way in the chat.                                                                                        

                                                                                                                      3: Do not attempt to bypass the chat filter.                                                                                                                    

                                                                                             4: Do not attempt to grief someones builds or steal from them.                                                                                     

                                                                                                                        5: Be respectful to everyone, not just staff.                                                                                                                   

                     6: The word of admins is law, do not dispute ban's or other punishments.      




    Owner of RageTech



  2. If the slug name matches your modpack slug on solder you can link it without issue

    If the name matches you should get a message saying that you pack was detected in your Solder API when you edit in Technic Platform. Then be able to Link to Solder.

    So Create New Modpack in your Solder and name it the same as your modpack and the message should appear.

    I will try it today when I get home, Thanx for the help.

  3. Have you tried CB++? Here's a link: link

    I use CB++ build 75, I haven't tested 76 yet.

    you should read the versions of the 2 posts first ~_~

    Try this to launch it:

    @echo off
    Title {Insert Name Here}
    java -server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=7 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -Xms7G -Xmx8G -jar mcpc.jar

    and if that doesnt work, try launching the server on another world.

    and are you running mcpc+? or basic forge or basic forge with bukkitforge?


  4. This might be tricky, but its surly works.

    You can get http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/transporter

    To link the servers


    To link the inventories


    I know it might not be the most convectional way of doing things but, eh just saying what i would do.

    {every thing mentioned before was good too}

    This way you have to use mcpc+ but rather than using muliverse, you use portals to link the servers via the plugin, which is fairly simple to setup.

    Tip: for a realm world {shared invs and all that goodness} you need to have a mysql database which is easy, you can download the program called wamp which again is fairly easy.

    P.S: I have no problems, if you want me to help via teamviewer or skype to set it up.


    The Rage Project

  5. To elaborate on this, PermissionsEX does not work whatsoever with tekkit, or tekkit lite. A better option, would be to download the GroupManager plugin from Essentials(google this if you don't already know what it is) and use that instead. For world protection, don't use ModifyWorld, but use Worldguard. Both are better options than the PermissionsEX suite with Tekkit.

    oh yes it does, there is 2 versions of PermisionEX, the plugin version which doesn't work, and the mod version which surly does, i am not guessing this.... i have servers running with no problem what so ever with it.

    P.S: It works with BukkitForge and Mcpc+

  6. not sure if its in the right place, but i think..not sure that nei is installed in the server jar so you cant change or remove it, your server might be online, but you don't know it.

    after it says Loading NEI type something in console and see what pops out, if anything does


    If you need more help you can add me on skype


  7. Hello, I am Just a one of the Owners of "The Rage Project" and I just decided to share some knowledge with the community, its no secret but it isn't umm, lets say out their xD..

    Let Say you have a 3.4Ghz Xeon with 8 cores, now running minecarft in general will only use one core, sure plugins like essentials or towny, have muli-core capabilities but its all just limited,to lets say 1~2 cores max and a bit of movement on the third core, now the problem with that is that you will need a high ghz rated cpu with good cache, which intern could be very costly, and still you wouldn't be using the full potential of the cpu, which is a HUGE Waste...

    Now Let me tell you about a nifty little mod, called Tick-threading, this astronomical mod, patches every single or near to every single mod,plus the jar itself,To do one purpose which is to split assign every tick to a different core, thinking of it logically, you will be able to use every bit of a x2 Xeon with 24 core, which again is astronomical,IMO it is a game changer or potential game changer for servers, so they don't have to waste as much money buying 3~4 servers to connect them in an illogical way which has in itself a lot of fuss and muss ..

    *Warning* I did NOT make this mod, nor do i take any credit I am just sharing some useful Knowledge.


    1-Backup everything. If installed incorrectly may F*ck shit up

    Should Know Info:

    After patching everything including mods,core mods, and the sevrer jar, you can NOT remove the Tickthreading from the mods folder or it will break on you.

    Steps To Install:

    1-Download the latest Bug-free version of tickthreading

    2-Put it simply in your /mods folder and start up the server

    3-After a successful start-up you will notice 2 files, called "PatchMe.cmd"and "Patchme.sh"

    4-Launch The PatchMe file, if on windows or linux

    5-Edit anything you think needs editing in the /config/tickthreading

    6-Launch the server and watch it turn Mulithreaded!

    Some Photo Before and after:





    Tips And Hints:

    -1 Installing tickthreading is easy, updating it can be a bitch

    you need to get the origanl mods before the patching witch is found in a folder called Tickthreading Backups, which contains all the mods before patching,after that update tick threading, repatch and launch

    -2 watch out with logistic pipes, it can cause some errors

    Download Links:

    Plus: if you need help or need a server great for hosting forge servers and has a 1gb/s unmetered connection, contact me on skype: mannai.mannai1


    1 of 2 Owners Of "The Rage Project" www.ragemc.com

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