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Everything posted by Nomasis

  1. I was on JWL. This dude logged in and mass flood spammed our chat about his server and to go there. If I am not mistaken Adam banned him. Spam had gone on 15-30 mins before Adam got on. When I say spam I mean it. He said "Come here to -address- pvp and griefing allowed." I would say he said it 500 times. And during all that lava got placed by my amulet at spawn I got banned ect. The only reason I posted What I said before was so Claw would know What happened at spawn cause no one was telling him.
  2. Yesterday Claw someone came on and mass spammed another server. When I say mass I mean it. Server became laggy and You couldn't read anything. The guy kept getting kicked from it. He was at spawn so I tried to use an amulet on him but with the lag it messed up and that's What happened and why there is two spots to fix. Adam logged on and I asked him if he could fix but he couldn't. I was waiting for you to log in and then I was banned as well.
  3. If you do not like a server then do not play on it. Spamming the Admin who is also trying to help others is not being very nice. You can complain about bugs and lag. But most Bugs are known bugs. As for lag I never lag so must be you. Playing games is a hobby for most people. We do it for the fun of it. As you know a Hobby is "An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure." Before you blow up and act like you are Ten years old maybe you should just chill. I find the Admins very nice and most of the players helpful and always willing to trade. Of all the servers I have ever been on, I like this one the best. Maybe this isn't the best place for you to play.
  4. Resident Application: Your in game name: Nomasis How long you have played on the server: Around two weeks or so. Why we should make you a resident: I do try to help when I can. I have not broken any rules in my time here. I have learned many things about Tekkit from the people here and hope to pass it on to others. I am not someone that spams chat over and over. I tend to only speak when I have something helpful to say or ask. Besides welcoming new people to the server that is.
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