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Posts posted by sexynyancat

  1. I'm trying to transfer my Tekkit Server to a regular Minecraft Sever...but when i log on to the world it shows me the sun the void and a horizon sort of thing with a bunch of black shady mobs falling. I can't do any commands (except in the command prompt thing) and after about 30 seconds Java craps out and I get the error:

    Internal exception: java.net.SocketTimeoutExecption: Read timed out

    I tried it with Bukkit and Minecraft server.

    Also there are a bunch of:

    at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.World. something applyPhyiscs(world.java:450) or update(World.java:421) or setAir(world.java:421) etc..Please help...I dont know what files to delete to 'unmod' the server...

    Thanks for any help!

  2. Another random question...on my creative server (Tekkit) every time someone gets an item from the menu it says "Giving TheNicolaScheme 64 of ladder" or whatever you take out and its spamming the chat and slowing down the server...anyway to eliminate that from the chat....or was it in Minecraft 1.2.5?

  3. Read this thread to resolve your issue with NEI, and try /gamemode [username] 0. Use a one instead of a zero for creative mode.

    Remember that Tekkit Classic is running on Minecraft 1.2.5, I am pretty sure that the gamemode command that you are trying only works in later versions.

    Ok thanks

  4. I'm having smaller problems now....like the option is set to "cheat mode" and I can't use it still is giving me "recipe mode". Also I can't change my game-modes...it says (when I type in /gamemode thenicolascheme survival) "There is no game-mode with that ID".

  5. I won't sign...sorry. I'm having trouble with having 4 mods not installed...i installed tekkit and the server file..so why would it ask me to have 4 mods that the tekkit file was supposed to have downloaded...or are they outdated?

    mod_IC2 v.1.97

    mod_ComputerCraft 1.33

    mod_CCTurtle 1.33

    mod_Railcraft 5.33

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