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Everything posted by Raziugde

  1. As it turns out, I've made a classic mistake. I owe the community an apology. My bad. Turns out I overlooked the format and sequestered the files into .rar vs .zip Thank you everyone for your time!
  2. It was a pun :P
  3. Good sir, I taken the files from forge, placed them into a new zip, compressed, renamed to modpack.jar, and that being the jest of most of the touristic incites I remain in this status quo- a non functioning modpack.jar. And to answer your cut and paste response, as noted in http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/modpack-jar-fails-to-work-just-vanilla.44930/; I followed the guides on these forums, as well as the technic site. I am not getting an error code, just a failure on the part of forge to load the mods/load at all. Attempts, I would estimate 3 per configuration suggested by each guide, as well as 20+ trail and errors attempts. Winzip/winrar/7z. File extensions are visible. The name verbatim, "modpack.jar" I have compressed and compressed and always I have nothing to wine about.
  4. And so I have followed all the steps to a T. Because yes, that will be everyone's go-to-response for this topic, however, my problem is situated in the fact that despite having correctly, I have tripled checked, followed the directions I yield an in-completion during the installation process. To be more concise, I have tested out the file to no avail, this is the modpack as a whole. My problem resets in the modpack.jar not doing its job, so to speak, and loading forge to allow for the reset of the eggs to settling into their nests. I would love any help! And most of all, thank you for your time and consideration!
  5. I am having the very some problem right now, is there a way for me to get power out of my reactor?
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