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Everything posted by Msquire

  1. IGN: Msquire Age: 22 Project you plan to build: a completely green eco-friendly food delivery service. Basically a machine that will produce, make, can, and ship food all over the server. Each city/building will have a trash receptical where empty food cans can be placed, which will send them right back to me for reuse. This will give everybody on the server (who wants this service provided) an unlimited and efficient supply of food. I also want to build a small oasis desert village around said food production facility, all powered by clean energy. Minecraft Experience: I've been playing since Beta, I've got a good 3 years of hardcore building, designing, and playing under my belt. I was the best builder on my last server (Gahcraft) and I was tasked with building the spawn castle, and the surrounding village. Tekkit experience: Moderate tekkit experience, I know how to build some pretty nifty machines, and I know my way around EE. But I still have a ton more to learn, and I'm currently watching the Yogscast tekkit to learn some new tricks. (It's nice that their project and mine are fairly similar). Why you want to join the server: Because I'm a huge fan of wookies, tekkit, minecraft, and mature and creative peeps to build with. I'm a very friendly person who is easy to get along with and who shares readily with my fellow players. I love tekkit, but my old server is now overrun by 10 year olds who enjoy "your mom" jokes far to much. Hope to hear from you soon!
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