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Posts posted by chrisknyfe

  1. well actually, I can't get Factions 1.7.5 to obey the config options "territoryProtectedMaterials", "territoryDenyUseageMaterials", "territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline" and "territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline", so I can't get factions to prevent people from accessing my alchemical chests. Basically, factions is now useless for tekkit as far as I can tell.

  2. He decided to spend time to code (and then attempt to hide) code that would destroy your world, any player's world.

    Screw diplomacy; I'm not afraid to say SirSengir is a disgrace to Minecraft, a disgrace to free and open software principles, and an ass. I hope his actions cause his mod to lose popularity and his Adf.ly account to dwindle to nothingness.

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