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Posts posted by Vakisari

  1. 1.6.4 for minecraft is a very unstable release. Im quite surprised they haven't pushed to 1.7.2, heck even mekanism is on 1.7.2 right now. Come on guys, lets move voltz up a notch. After testing 1.7.2 mekanism, galacticraft and most of the original voltz mods that are at 1.7.2 so far i havent found any stability issues. which is actually surprising. Although if a 1.7.2 mod is released its likely 1.7.10 wont be far behind. And thats where any new mod release should be now imo.

    Resonant Induction is buggy to hell. Most things dont work on it. I would say its actually more unstable than mekanism.. and that says something :-p


    Plus, isn't MC 1.7.x supposed to have the big network code rewrite that was supposed to make multiplayer servers with lots of clients much more stable? The rewrite in anticipation of Realms? Let's shoot for the network stabilzation release, that seems like a great goalpost..

  2. So, I was under the impression that making any real code change or patches to the individual mods on a server would (at the very least) invalidate the Modpack for the purposes of the player's client knowing what to download/versioning.


    Example: Let's say I was running a Tekkit server and I created a patch to fix a bug in Galacticraft, or one of the other mods. How do servers handle patching bugs without affecting a player's client from seeing it as a different version/needing specific files for just that server?


    If this doesn't make any sense... don't be surprised. Clearly, I'm new to the Technic platform.

  3. Just curious about the structure of the Voltz community and such. I play on one of the top tier servers (Haxy's Hideout) and am really curious who actually manages the Voltz modpack. On GitHub, it looks like Calclavia and a couple of others contribute to the modpack directly, and of course there are the developers of the individual mods... but who make the decision on versioning, updates to Voltz as a pack, etc?

    Always curious who to direct questions to about the future of Voltz and stuff like that.

    It's not clear from the Technic site on Voltz.

  4. Something I want to make clear for new players, is that this server does NOT use any economy mods or Essentials. This means that we do not have teleporting commands, and you can not buy items in a shop. The reasons are that this server is intended to be a quite pure Voltz experience, and to that end, you MUST be out mining, looking for what you need, and EXPOSED, rather than trading in a shop all the time and teleporting from place to place. Of course, you may still build the teleporter items, but these do not significantly deter player exposure. We are more than happy to have players of all types, but if you play here, be prepared to work for what you have and to be in relatively constant danger.

  5. 1-1787677-560x95-1-FF5519-FFFFFF.png

    Server Info: IP -

    Forums Address: http://hardcorevoltz.boards.net

    Come join us at HardcoreVoltz! This is a server specializing in a relatively pure Voltz experience, dedicated to a fair PvP/Grief/Raid experience. If you have the heart, know enough to get around, are dedicated to figuring things out instead of relying on others, and want to compete, you will have a lot of fun here! Before joining, please visit our forums linked above, and carefully read our rules, item restrictions and more verbose server description. If you log in to the server and have not made use of the Forums first, you are likely to receive a cooler response than if you come prepared and armed with the knowledge of what to expect! With that said, please do not hesitate to join and look around, the worst that could happen is someone will kill you. :)

    Community: Currently we have a few regular players, and a couple of teams who work together. There is plenty of room, however, for a few more and any friends you'd like to work with (or against!) as long as you are willing to respect the rules and other players on the server.

    Uptime: We are a 24/7 Open server, and do not make use of Whitelisting except during maintenance. I occaisionally take the server down for plugin maintenance, server maintenance and updates when new Voltz versions are released. I try my best to keep the worldfile clean and uncorrupted, and take regular backups. However, expect to see world resets occaisionally, as new Voltz updates sometimes necessitate this, or the world becomes irretrieveably corrupted due to a bug.

    If you have any questions, please use our server forums listed above. I will check the Technic Forums listing regularly, but check our own forums far more often.

  6. I've spent a couple of hours looking now, and I can't seem to find a good solution to my problem. Basically, I'd like the ability to ban certain items from ever being crafted or used, and/or ban/disable the recipes for making them from being completed. Ideally, the solution works with Voltz as that is the server modpack I am running. It would be nice if I could use in-game commands to work with it on-the-fly, something like WorldEdit for example, but I can also edit config files to achieve my goals if necessary. If possible, I'd like to be able to block item IDs with the :xx meta tags. An example in Voltz that I'd like to block entirely is the Theoretical Elementizer machine, which has an item ID of 3001:4.

    If anyone has good suggestions for plugins that cover what I need that work with Voltz, please let me know! Thanks!

  7. I was under the impression that:

    A: Voltz has issues with PEX, and you should use a different exporter, especially depending on what type of web-based admin panel you are running, if any.

    B: I thought ForgeBukkit was dead and essentially buried? I've personally used BukkitForge (Completely different!) and MCPC+ as a compatibility API between Voltz and Bukkit plugins, and had very little issue. I would recommend BukkitForge.

  8. Pardon the noobish question, as I'm new to running a Minecraft server, but is there a way to update my server's map when Voltz updates?

    I ask because I'd like to update from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3, but when I load up the map some of the Electrical Expansion blocks have borked textures. Thanks.

    Edit: 70 views and no one can tell me one way or the other, eh?

    There is no real way to 'update' the map, and oftentimes releases of Voltz requires a new map to be generated.

    That's the short answer.

    The long answer is, that while not officially supported and bound to cause trouble eventually anyway, in a roundabout manner you can run various tools to update block IDs and entity IDs after having updated, which should correct some of the issues you are seeing. For example, people keeping the 1.0.13 generated maps while upgrade to 1.1.0 found that all the Uranium Ore had been magically transmuted to Blast Compressors. This is basically a fix to IDs that needs to occur, since they changed between the releases and otherwise invalidates the map in various ways.

    The reason this is the long answer is because entity IDs would also have to be changed since it isn't just the blocks that changed: Players inventory items would all be screwed up nicely as well.

    So there you have it... Update the map easily? No. Make a Frankenstein attempt to correct some of the issues and get the map to at least load and maybe be playable? Sort of -> yes.

  9. I feel like I have to chime in that I've had MOSTLY the opposite experience with Simply Digital. I've had them hosting a VM for me for about 4-5 weeks now, which of course hosts a Minecraft server (Voltz, in my case). I have had zero problems as far as network connections, and feel like the package I signed up with is an excellent package (Minecraft 36, I believe). The only service outage I have experienced was an issue with the Data Center where the physical server hosting my VM was, and it was cleared up as soon as they were able. Otherwise, very consistent and excellent connection for the players at large. I've had many players comment that it was the first lag-free server they have been able to play on, for Voltz.

    Now, I've had MOSTLY the opposite experience because part of this complaint was legitimate in some parts. The person running Simply Digital, Derrick Hammer, CAN be somewhat stand-offish at times. When he says a 'no-bullshit' server, he means on his own end as well, apparently. He is NOT going to mince words with you, cater to you as the customer, or any such thing, and it will seem like that means he's being rude. However, while I have gotten into something like an argument with him once or twice, two things should be noted: In none of the cases I've spoken to him has he been wrong, nor has he done anything unfair. Of utmost importance, however, is that each time I bring something to his attention, his reply is often VERY prompt, to the point, knowledgeable about the issue, and rarely does the fix or change take more than a few minutes from opening the ticket.

    Therefore, while there are a few legitimate points in the above post, I think it paints a very unfair picture of what has, so far, been a rather excellent hosting solution for my own server and players.

    For reference, I host a Voltz server for 20 players max.

  10. X-ray mod. X-ray texture packs are useless.

    Is this true? Do I not need to worry about locking down the texture packs to default? Players can't use x-ray texture packs anymore? I was on a server the other day where the server op claimed they banned someone for using X-ray tex packs.

  11. Hmm, it would require a bit of effort, but I have a suggestion with regards to redmatter and antimatter explosives. What my freinds and I decided on the volts server we played for a few weeks, was to disable the crafting of red and antimatter explosives alltogether. The next step was for my freind and I to go around the map constructing ruined/ intact bunkers with the occasional booby trap. In a few of these we placed red and anti-matter explosives.

    The 6 of us had a lot of fun running around trying to find these ultimate doomsday weapons within the lost vaults. See if any of your OPs are interested in helping you and give it a try.

    Yeah, pre-fabricated stuff by me was something I'd planned to implement, mostly in the form of cut/pasted structures I've made via WorldEdit. It'd be an interesting way to make new kinds of temples and seed them around. I also have a smallish world boundary set up, so it wouldn't be hard to put 'treasure' caches of otherwise un-craftable items around the world. I've seen a few servers though that simply have drastically reduced how common ores are in the world, and I'd be really interested in how they did that also.

  12. Hi, I currently run a SMP Voltz server that does alright, and has a few players here and there! I like Voltz quite a bit, and would like to have as hardcore a world as possible. High difficulty, slow tech-up time, etc. To that end, I have a few questions I'd like to get help from the community with. I think I can boil this down to just a few questions, and if anyone here can chime in with some wisdom on these subjects, please do.

    1. I know that cheating has been, or is currently rampant in Minecraft in general. I have never tried to engage in it, and only know the vagaries. I know that there are X-ray texture packs and various mods and hacks, but none of the details of them or their ease of access, or prevalence. My question is: What are the various ways I can expect to see players cheat, and what are the best ways to harden the server against them? As far as X-ray texture packs, I'd like to be able to force a server-side chosen texture pack, or at least force the default Minecraft/Voltz textures. Is this possible? Also, is it possible to lock the accepted mods by the server to a specific set of mods and versions? I am under the impression that you can only login with the proper modpack, and yet I guess some people use an x-ray MOD..? That doesn't show up in the console brief of their installed mods upon user connection/login? Can this be remedied?

    2. I feel like we have an excellent host, and our upstream/downstream connection at the data center hosting my VM is top notch. However, I am continually interested in slimming down the VMs resource usage as far as CPU/Memory as I feel that is the more likely bottleneck. Can anyone suggest quality plugins for server maintenance? Scripting functions to free up memory via removal of unused resources and things of a similar nature I am especially interested in.

    3. Finally, I would appreciate any suggestions for things that can increase the difficulty and technology ramp-up of Voltz. An example would be ideas on how to modify the world generation via console parameters when generating a world to make resources much more sparse in general? I would like to keep things like ICBM and PowerSuits in the game, but feel that they are too easily reachable and their use should be less common, but not removed entirely. I would like, if possible, the suggestions to remain within the realm of configuration changes, command line arguments for existing functions, etc. I'd rather not change any of the code such that it would force users to download a custom modpack. I'd prefer to stick to the Voltz mod option in the Technic Launcher for users and simply change server-side parameters and options to achieve a high difficulty level and slow tech-up.

    I appreciate differing points of view, but please limit any discussion to constructive suggestions and not criticism of the philosophy behind my requests.

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