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Everything posted by Kaimera

  1. hey dude, is the project still goin? not gonna be much help till my laptop gets fixed but i can still build, no skype tho.
  2. well i just tried calling you. and when i try to check the connection it says you appear to be offline. my call name is kaimera100
  3. i did. it says you are offline. is your call name Mr Mc Muffins?
  4. oh. ok. ive tried to call you on skype btw.
  5. cant acsess the server. it keeps saying "Failed to connect to the server Connection refused: connect"
  6. IGN: can_i_haz_name Age: 16 Country: U.S.A. Role: generic building and tedious tasks Fallout knowledge: Semi-extensive. i have yet to beat a fallout game but often go on the wiki to kill time Why I want to join: I want to help you make this map, i also want to FINALLY play on a tekkit muliplayer server.
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