To your credit the posts directed to me have been much more reasoned, if a little aggressive.
I stand corrected. I realize that these things don't make money on donations unless the community is very generous/dedicated, but whatever helps. I did not realize, however, that you didn't accept donations at all and instead directed people to the mod anthers donation links. For this I apologize, as this fact nullifies most of my argument; I should have looked a little harder before making it.
Allow me to quote myself:
No, I do not know how to run a forum, certainly noting of this size. I'm also not a lawyer but that doesn't mean I can't identify unjust laws. Coming to this thread from google with the same question, and seeing this sort of response, is quite annoying.
HOWEVER, a lot of my frustration here stems from a larger annoyance with the minecraft community in general, and considering what you said I'm starting to realize that in this case it's misplaced. I do still think that this thread could have done with a little less harassment from both sides. But your, completely selfless, donation policy and the complete lack of adfly links changes things a bit. By the way, I "get it" more then you give me credit for, and I'm sorry for venting my frustrations to a group who didn't deserve it.