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About venomstriker235

  • Birthday 01/02/1990

venomstriker235's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I know ALOT about ubuntu linux. All you have to do is 1. Move file to a place where you plan to launch (Ex. Desktop) 2. Right click your file and press "Properties" 3. Press on "Permissions" 4. Check "Execute: Allow executing file as program" Hope that helps. If not re-post here!
  2. Need Someone To Help In Development For RaidTekk Network's Attack Of The BTeam Our forums are http://raidtekkforum.us You would get a developer position, There isnt really much to do. I just need a list of items to ban/disable.
  3. So my server crashes when more than one It just started today. I don't know why. Crash log: http://bteam.raidtekk.us/crash Plugin list: GroupManager contrib (?) ItemNerf (Doesn't work) Essentials PluginMetrics Prospam (also doesn't work) WorldGuard WorldEdit Factions(Wont work I don't know why) Thanks for the help in advance. ----------------------EditLine ------------------------ I also removed all plugins and it STILL crashes
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