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Everything posted by Phlonk

  1. If you get whitelisted we communicate through Twitter, our account is augamerscom.
  2. Accepted, I will Whitelist you this afternoon, have very busy morning.
  3. Thanks for reply, will take a look at it tonight and see.
  4. You have been WhiteListed, I hope that is exactly how your IGN is since BukkitPermissions is case sensitive. We will be starting the new world tomorrow morning around 8:00 am EST, looking forward to chatting with you. Please make sure to have TeamSpeak installed.
  5. I am purchasing a battery backup for my Windows 2008R2 server for brown outs in my area and I was wondering if there was a script that I could use for when the power goes out for longer then 5 minutes because our Server is set to power down so it doesn't drain the battery completely.
  6. Give your information for whitelisting. Making sure you understand that we will be resetting the server this Saturday to start from scratch.
  7. Hello everyone, I just wanted to make sure that my launcher.bat command line was proper for setting up a Tekkit Classic server for 10 people. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Launcher: Server Specs:
  8. I am sorry but we are looking for individuals that are over the age of 20 years, this is because we are an older group and are looking to offer a very casual feel to our server. Thank you for applying.
  9. Thanks, I read the whole first part regarding what had to be in it, thought the rest was just replies.
  10. Hello everyone, I was just wondering how long it took for a Server Approval process for a Whitelisted Tekkit Classic?
  11. Website: www.augamers.com TeamSpeak: ts.augamers.com Tekkit Server: minecraft.augamers.com Dynmap: http://minecraft.augamers.com:8123 We try our best at keeping a lag free server environment. Our server uptime is 24/7 with a maintenance window every Monday night between the hours of 8-10 pm EST for server updates. We will not stand for idiots! We are an active small core group of people based in Ontario, Canada looking for mature players (21+ yrs) to make a solid group of 12-16 total. We have been playing Minecraft for a couple months and only been playing our Tekkit server for a month now. We will be resetting our server next Saturday (March 2nd, 2013) so all can be part of the world from the beginning. Our server is a dedicated HP server purchased for hosting Minecraft. You must have a microphone to be able to talk during gameplay and we use TeamSpeak 3 which is hosted by us as well. Mods: Grief Prevention Multi-Home RedPower IndustialCraft RailCraft ComputerCraft PermissionsBukkit TekkitCustomizerData Every Tuesday Evening between the hours of 8-10 pm EST we will have a group project just to make us have something to come together and work on, if the project does not get completed that evening it also gives everyone something to work and complete before the next weeks project. Banned In-Game Items: Energy Collector Item# 126:0 Energy Collector Item# 126:1 Energy Collector Item# 126:2 If you are interested in playing with us, reply below? You can add any details you deem necessary however you must have the following: In Game Name: Age: Time Zone: Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Amount Played (If Yes): Tell us why you would like to play on our server: Previously Banned from a Server: The last step before you're accepted, I would ask that you join us on our TeamSpeak server just so we know you have a microphone and if you have any questions this will give you a chance to ask them. You can automatically be logged into our TeamSpeak server from our main webpage on www.augamer.com or type in the address manually from the top of this post.
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