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About Dpaine912

  • Birthday 07/23/1997

Dpaine912's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Username: M0NST3RLIK3ABOZZ Age: 16 Why Tekkitopia? I was looking around for a server that looked like it has mature players and a friendly environment. Your secret code: 16M0N
  2. Thanks. Much love to you!

  3. Also, I think the whitelsit problem is that you haven't whitelsited me on the new pack server.

    1. Dpaine912


      Ive whitelisted you over 5 times on the new pack

    2. Dpaine912
  4. Accepted. Hope to see you on soon! You can join the teamspeak at sjc.fragnet.net
  5. Dpaine, could you please check posts more often?

  6. Accepted. You can now join the server! Hope to see you soon! Note: It might come to everyones advantage if you get Teamspeak.
  7. Hello, Try getting on the server now you should be allowed. Also we now have a teamspeak server come join at sjc.fragnet.net:10015
  8. You are Accepted. You can now join the server. Also you can home on the teamspeak server at sjc.fragnet.net:10015. Hop to see you on soon!
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