How's it going everyone, This is the forum thread for the NewAgeGamersHD
We are a 4 person YouTube team that is bringing you some new and exciting content over a range of games. We are only a small channel but we are dedicated and we have the desire to be up there with some of the YouTube greats.
In the team we have Joe (me) and Sam for the Guys Team, they are both 18 and from the UK, then we have Maddie and Katie for the Girls Team, they are both 15 and from the USA. We all get on very well and we can have some great and sometimes awkward conversations while recording, we would say that we are funny, what do you think....?
This topic will be for posting about or Tekkit series, The Red Matter Challenge
The challenge involves getting a Diamond chest full of Red Matter, That's Over 3,000,000,000 in EMC value.
Along the way we will teach you about making lots of EMC quickly and will be making some awesome builds along the way.
remember we love feedback so like or dislike and say why, that way we can make the series better for everyone.
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