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Astral Trekker

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Everything posted by Astral Trekker

  1. Didn't work for me with tekkit lite..the newest version of Optifine wasn't compatible with the version of Forge the launcher gives you, so I had to update Forge.
  2. Have you tried updating your Forge version? I had trouble using Optifine with the default version the Technic Launcher gives you, try updating Forge above version and it might work..also re-install Optifine after you update Forge.
  3. Oh and also after you install Forge, you should re-isntall Optifine because they both use some of the same class files.
  4. The fix is pretty simple. You need to upgrade your Forge version, I think Tekkit Lite gives you version by default, I believe..Download a version above and everything should work.
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