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Everything posted by 1mike122

  1. hello and welcome to part 3 of our tekkit lite lets play series i hope you will enjoy this series this episode we have a new base of operations named the new base of noobs if you are enjoyed this episode/series be sure to subscribe so you can be informed about all my new uploads as soon as they are available and be sure to give this video a thumbs up i would much appreciate it also please leave me some feedback as id like to know what you all think thanks My Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/MikesGamingPc?feature=mhee Video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuwMTNl9Onw
  2. hi i know this is not tekkit but i want to try and get as much feedback as i can on my videos and only way to do so is to get as many people i can to take a look so here goes this is my very first animation so dont expect it to be the greatest and best animation ever i made this as i was testing out how things work with the animation program so basicly this animation is just a test but i would like to hear what you think and maybe any suggestions on what i could animated next and if i should try and keep doing to odd animation hear and there every now and again also i will try and find a better animation programs in the furture once i get the hang of the basics so please tell me what you think and if you would like to keep up to date with my future videos please subscribe to my channel i would much appreciate and also if you did like my animation i you think i did good for my first ever animaton please give it a thumbs up thanks Steve vs big daddy zombie minecraft animation video link
  3. hi my name is mike me and a couple of guys have started a lets play series of tekkit lite i would appreciate it if you could maybe check out my videos and maybe leave me some feedback of what you thought thanks a million mike MY CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/user/MikesGamingPc?feature=mhee episode 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNs8OF7I4l0 episode 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxVltXRMJo4
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