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About zacvader

  • Birthday 09/23/1990

zacvader's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Username:zacvader Age:13 Expierence with Voltz: I got a fair ammount How you can contribute to the server: I can bring my knowledge and great sence of humor. Any bans, if so what for?: NOOOOPE Favorite disney movie: Nemo
  2. I have the exact problem,Submit a report
  3. i dont have the developer build option
  4. So wheres the option button,Theres one under the volts icon and one in the top right,Which one do i use? Also,Theres no devolopment build theres only latest recoomended and manual
  5. So i go to play Idream(reccomened) and i join and it says im missing mods, How do i fix this? Im also running on the beta laucnhes,Not stable When i use stable it also doent work.
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