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About VivaDaylight3

  • Birthday 04/04/1996


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  1. @sct Ok, thanks, I'm just going to wait until the documentation is improved, as it's just getting me frustrated Two days ago, when I updated the description of my modpack. The entire description, permissions and licensing section and changelog became empty! Is there any way that it can be backed up, if there is a backup? I put so much time into those sections, and now they're just gone, through no fault of my own... P.s I wish you good luck with all development with Technic and making the launcher/platform more stable :)
  2. I'm really sorry but I've been having so much trouble with what URL to put where, I've tried so many combinations just by looking at the AegisGaming setup and the readme.md, I even tried staring at my computer and giving it "the look", but to no avail. This is what I think I should do (and I have tried): The mirror_url is where my modpacks folder is, i.e http://cascaderp.com/solder/public/modpacks/ The repo_location is http://cascaderp.com/solder/ (the location of the solder directory on my site's FTP server) To sct, I suggest that you improve the documentation for Solder, as nothing is really that clear. However, all of this business about trailing slashes and "api/" is reeeaaally confusing me. I even started to learn PHP and html just because of this, and I must say, I'm doing so much better with those languages than with Solder. Could someone please go through what URL has to go where. P.S As my host doesn't have an SSH console, could someone let me know how to run the "artisan migrate:install" command via PHP? Thank you very much.
  3. @SeanWcom Thanks for replying. When I set up my pack, I wasn't asked to give the Solder API straight away, only the download location of the pack (non-solder, just the modpack.jar et.c). I made an email script which worked, but the problem is with the **migrate:install** part of the code, it doesn't like it. I'll get a coupld of screenshots tomorrow so you can see what it all looks like @sct Would you mind helping me with what URLs I should put where? Thanks
  4. Hello again. I have done everything to set up Solder for my modpack, except two things: 1. It doesn't seem like I'm able to execute the migration (php artisan migrate:install) commands via a cron job or SSH. This is the full cron job command that is being executed: php -f /home/u547714130/public_html/artisan migrate:install This is the error I get (please note that the section of the command above in bold is default which I can't change): "Path can not start with "/" and contain alphabet symbols or numbers" However, this works: php -f /home/u547714130/public_html/artisan The same command won't work with SSH either. 2. I used the URL location to my root Solder folder, which I got from my FTP client (ftp:u547714130@, would I use that as the mirror_url, repo_location and Solder URL in the Technic Dashboard? These are the people who I'm using for the hosting: http://www.2freehosting.com As you guys have helped me a lot, I'll give you a shoutout on my modpack page I'm asking all of this because the current documentation for Solder is quite vague, which I understand at this point in the early development :)
  5. Thanks! I'll get right to it, I'm really looking forward to getting this sorted for my pack :)
  6. @SeanWcom What you said combined with the info on the Technic github really helped, thanks a lot! I have a small question though. I have created all of the necessary files and folders for my modpack solder (i.e the .ymls and the mods folder with the mod versions), but where can I host the files so that they can be reached by the launcher, would a github repo suffice? If so, could you run through configuring the application/config-sample/solder.php file? According to the Technic Github guide, I need to enter in some urls, but I'm not sure which ones to enter if I'm using GitHub. Thanks so much for the help!
  7. Launcher Version: 199 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.8.2 Java Version: 1.6.0_41 Antivirus Program: N/A Description of Problem: I have created a mod-pack (http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/solace.2259) and the amount of downloads aren't being tracked. I know that it has been downloaded many times as it has been run 450 times. Error Messages: N/A Error Log: N/A
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