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Everything posted by didlyi

  1. The beta launcher just updated and i can confirm its got working sounds for the vanilla side of things now...great job guru's
  2. Sorry double post..site problems?
  3. Yeah most of my mods I have added have sounds..think its just vanilla missing..I am still messing around..
  4. haha...got it working good..only problem now is there is no sound...must be one of the beta bugs?? thanks again..
  5. You sir/madam are a lovely person...thank you...
  6. Hi sorry to highjack but i been banging my head with this for last couple of days now.. As the beta version is now out for testing 1.6+ packs,i would love to be able to try this out but for the life of me can not get the zip directory set up correct....i have managed to get default 1.6.4 minecraft up with in beta launcher but failed to inject forge in to it... all mods and configs do load into pack structure,its just the forge part i believe now...any tips on how the structure/names should look??
  7. get your finger out of your ass and start running the dam server and stop asking stupid question about who can run your server love ya
  8. hi..we have just come across the same giant wall set out about 8000 blocks from spawn.. after a little google it seems its part of better dungeons once reached our server could not keep up with the generation from wall..extra biomes spawns in it and just ends up being a giant wall of mess with bricks... i have had to put a world border up around (7500) to stop people going to it..me personally am trying to find out the point of it but as of yet can not find the answer... Its a game breaker for me..
  9. Pl Please follow the guidelines stated
  10. Please use the correct format thanks
  11. you need to apply @ blockbyblock server please added dear sir
  12. You have already been accepted sir And server Has now push v1.0.5
  13. apply @ http://block-by-block.enjin.com/ And server upgraded to 15 slots now
  14. Server Updated To Recommended Build 1.0.4 Enjoy
  15. The BlockByBlock Hexxit Server Is Now Live And Running 24/7. Server : Mumble: Build to your hearts content ( When you have the resources ) with weird and wacky design's or just go it alone in the vast land hunting that pork chop,that wool for the bed or the wood to build your first night's house or raid a near by dungeon..But watch out for that creeper.(SSSSSSSSSS)the choice is yours... The wonderfull world of modded minecraft is here waiting for you.. Only a few simple rules are set: 1.No Griefing!! 2.No Stealing!! 3.Respect Other Miners And There Properties!! 4.Dont ask for OP (You Will Be Kicked/Banned)!! 5.Do Not Build Too Close To Other Properties Without Consent From Owner/Admin Please Join http://block-by-block.enjin.com/ (So We Know Who You Are) Become what ever you desire infact become the best at what you can and enjoy The BlockByBlock Hexxit Server with all of us @ "BlockByBlock" Server Specs: 3GB 15 Slots Multiplay Disabled Mods: None Server Plugins: MCPC+ Myhome Server Tweaks: Survival Hard Mob Griefing disabled PVP Off All mods enabled This is a whitelisted server and you must apply @ our site http://block-by-block.enjin.com/ All You Need To Know Is Found There The BlockByBlock Server Administrators Will Reply To Your Post And Let You Know If You Have Been Accepted Or Declined. See Here http://block-by-block.enjin.com/ Hope To See You Ingame!! http://block-by-block.enjin.com/ Warning: Playing Minecraft is addictive and hazardous to your health. May cause slight impulse to just place one more block, the collapse of your marriage and/or the loss of your job. You have been warned
  16. sorry for double post but i found the problem..it was world edit.. this line to be exact use-creature-spawn-event: false was set to "true" thanks all the same
  17. As in spawn monsters?..set to true....server props is fine...all other mobs spawn just no enderman in the end?.. they sort of spawn then despawn.. Gunna try removing world guard and start server later to see if that makes a diff.
  18. Hi Guys/Girls Wonder if i could ask for your wisdom in a little problem i have on my server For the life of me can not work out why enderman wont spawn in the end. I have reset the world but still problem remains. I am using MCPC+ with Worldguard,Worldedit,Commandbook and when we go to the end we can see the enderman spawn but then they despawn straight away,even when trying in creative same problem happens..i have been through most of configs only to find no problem (well looks like that but there most be some thing) Tried game rule but still nothing I filmed it in action please see Any suggestion are welcome.. Thank in advance
  19. Thank-you..and sorry for swearing And sir..its a great platform.
  20. will not parse any url?? aint you noticed the threads? its fine if you allready got updated modpack but if you just got the launcher or updated your mod pack today then you are screwed as of about 4 pm uk time?? Its not parsing shit
  21. The launcher has been not working for atleast 3 hours and we would really like to know whats the problem? No parsing of any modpacks not even really getting image's downloading to packs? Little news please?
  22. I think the whole site and platform having problems right now.. I just updated my pack and still waiting to parse it lol Patients my fellow miner
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