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Posts posted by CreeperTim123

  1. I'm still getting this error. It keeps tells me there's an error in parsing. I've tried both www. and beta. I've also tried running as Admin. I get the parsing error every time I paste the link.

    Also, I just downloaded the new launcher for the first time today. So, I'm not using an older version of it or anything.

    i think that the website is having connection errors due to so many modpacks, and we may have to wait a while for it work itself out,i think this because the website was working great when the platform had just came out, but since then its gotten very slow, annd i have very good laptop and internet connection, so i think the technic site will have to work out a few connection kinks and maybe remove some of the rediculous modpacks like a few that are pure default minecraft with maybe optifine, so i suggest waiting a bit and itll all be fine

  2. I've found a fix for this problem, it seems silly but for some reason the launcher can only parse URLs that include "www." which the URLs in "Platform URL" bars do not include. Add it manually after pasting and you're good.

    THANK YOU I LOVE YOU.....just saying

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