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About DE_BattleMage

  • Birthday 07/12/1994

DE_BattleMage's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Make sure to delete the META-INF folder in the modpack.jar, or you'll just freeze at the launch.
  2. I have a new admin now to take over while everyone else and I are away.
  3. The server is now updated to the recommended version of TekkitLite.
  4. Also, please note that if you join the server, please set a Residence. You can find the command list for Residence here: http://residencebukkitmod.wikispaces.com/Command+List
  5. A lot of the problems I've been having concerning Multiverse are starting to just..go away. Not sure if that is good or bad.
  6. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/how-to-make-a-tekkit-lite-server-never-did-this-til-now.38365/ "You don't need to use Hamachi. Please don't use Hamachi. Every time somebody uses Hamachi for a Minecraft server, a puppy dies."
  7. Elfercon is AFK a lot of the time he is online. I try and keep at least one admin active during the heavier traffic hours.
  8. All of the main admins are people I know personally and trust. There are a couple people from back when the server was private, but they have all (mostly) stopped playi-..wait..."Kubos".... Nevermind. The other admin sucks. You should hate him. The server *is* pretty quiet in the evening/early morning hours. Most of the players have been on since way before the forum post, but the switch to TekkitLite drove off a decent-sized portion of the players. Why this change wasn't "necessary", enough of the other players and admins decided that it would indeed be worth it.
  9. Thanks! I don't play until the afternoon on weekdays, but I am online as often as possible.
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