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About ailmanki

  • Birthday 01/03/1983

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. You need to fix the link to your pack, it points to a website. You can see that yourself, rename the zip which TechnicLauncher downloaded to html, and open it with a browser.
  2. My current pack has 11 different mods which all need to be in modpack.jar, I simply thought I am doing it wrong. Since I expected the Solder API to handle that somehow.
  3. rename that 29kb zip to html, and open it in a webbrowser.. see what it says.
  4. I had that, when I tried to login with my username instead of my email. On the other hand you could just have connection issues, but I guess you checked that already.
  5. @miniboxer sent you a pm
  6. Ok, to bad it can't make the modpack.jar .. its cool for 1.5.2, not much to bundle, adding some dummy packages for the modlist completness. But for 1.2.5 .. basically all mods go into modpack.jar. Well still nice to get that modlist. I got already a pack for 1.5.2 working - with a modpack.jar bundle, but when I started the pack for 1.2.5 I wanted to make sure I am not doing it wrong For lwjgl, it seems the launcher does not allow that to be choosen by the modpack creator. I will leave this better be, and not mess with LWJGL.
  7. I wonder how I have to bundle a mod for Solder, so that it gets included in modpack.jar. I previously used the platform, where you have to bundle the hole pack in one zip. And there this was totally ok, to have a single modpack.jar. But now with Solder, I got a library of mods which I can use. But for all those mods which have to be put into modpack.jar, this system seems to not work. I guess there is a way to do this with Solder? I already tried creating multiple modpacks with different name, but that did not work. Then is there anyway to have different mod downloads, depending on OS? Basically to deliver LWJGL which is only for that OS. Might be of use for other things too, don't know.
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