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About GangsterHippie

  • Birthday 08/10/1998

GangsterHippie's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Your Minecraft username: GangsterHippie Your age: 17 Your general location in the world (Earth). Sarasota, Florida (-5:00 GMT) (EST) Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Plains, Resource? Animals. Lovely animals. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I enjoy savoring the building experience. I like to take time and enjoy what I have created and use it, rather than make alot of stuff I wont use. I love to build, as well.
  2. In-game name: GangsterHippie Age: 17 Favorite Tekkit Activity: Oooh, that's a tough one. I can't decide, I really enjoy all of tekkit. Favorite Food: One does not simply choose a favorite food... But Chicken Parmesan. Your Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time - 5:00 (EST)
  3. What is your Minecraft username? -GangsterHippie How old are you? -14 In what country do you live? -United States of America Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? -Yes, but for rather trivial reasons (I.e, a ban for "Water griefing?") But still, I have matured since then. What is your favorite part of Tekkit/Tekkit Lite? The array of tools and equpment avaliable to you to expand upon pickaxes and shovels that trademark a Minecraft experience. Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? Yes What makes you interested in join our team? I need a friendly community that will help me whenever or wherever I need it
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